30. Break him

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"Back the fuck off

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"Back the fuck off." Slater growls, shooting who I suppose is Tristan a dark look.

Tristan's lips twitch upwards, but he takes a few steps back with his arms up in mock surrender.

I take a minute to look at the guy I chose blindly.

The first thing anyone can notice is his size. He was a big guy. But his face was all arrogance. Not the kind of arrogance that makes you want to punch them, but the kind that makes you want to smile at how bold they're being.

He had a buzzcut, but his hair was a very dark brown colour. It complemented his darker complexion well, his face free of any blemishes or spots.

His nose looked like it had been broken a few times, but it didn't distract from his otherwise handsome features. Light brown eyes stared between Slater and I mischievously and plump full lips were turned up into a smirk.

He was good-looking, I had to admit. But what really got me mad was how he still couldn't compare to the bulk of raging hormones to my left.

I turn my stare to Slater, who looks as delicious as ever. His face is turned up into his usual snarl – I have yet to see this boy smile.

"Did he try anything?" He asks me, a bit of softness entering his gaze and voice.

I instantly feel a little bad about my choice. As much as he denied me himself, I know he was just worried about my being here. And I didn't exactly make that easy on him when I pettily chose Tristan.

I shake my head 'no' and some of the tension leaves his shoulders. He bows his head in almost relief, and his black messy hair falls into his eyes. I resist the urge to push it back with my fingers.

"Man, come on." Tristan voices with a smile in his voice, "I'm not about hurting girls that's not my shit." He shakes his head before he grins at Slater devilishly, "But I'll beat your ass in the ring if you want." He says with an air of cockiness.

I glance to Slater, expecting an angry reaction, but I'm pleasantly surprised when he grins at Tristan like an old friend, "You sure? Wouldn't want me to break your shoulder again on the first day back." He teases.

Oh my-

Is that a friendly smile?

I thought I'd never see the day.

Tristan laughs back at Slater but puts on a challenging face nonetheless, "Game on, I'm back bigger and better."

Slater scoffs, and I just look between the two boys. Am I missing something?

Maybe Slater has a fat crush on Tristan, and that's why he doesn't want me with him! Makes total sense now.

"I still have your girl though." Tristan winks at Slater, and that sets him off again.

"You don't have anything." He says lowly, "You said it yourself, she's mine."

I scowl deeply and step up to Slater, poking him in the chest with a manicured nail, "You most certainly do not have me." I tell him, and he looks down at me with a hard expression.

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