3. Are you vegan?

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Hudson wasn't in class the next day, but I only had the one to attend before I could head over to the bakery

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Hudson wasn't in class the next day, but I only had the one to attend before I could head over to the bakery.

My foot was tapping anxiously on the floor as I finished up the last of my notes. I was so nervous to begin the job – what if no one liked me? What if I miss up with a customer? What if I drop a cupcake!?

I shake my head to clear the thoughts, I was just scaring myself now.

"Okay class, that's all for today. See you next week for the exam." Professor Monaro calls from the front of the lecture hall.

Half the class groans at the reminder of the exam as they slowly get up and start packing away, talking amongst themselves as they leave the classroom.

I carefully put away my overflowing notebook and water bottle back into my tote and walk down the aisle of desks to get out of the class.

Though at the end of the aisle, blocking my way out, stands the group of girls I spoke with last lecture – well I spoke with the one girl.

She smiles down at me, and I will myself not to blush. She was gorgeous, much prettier than me, and it made me nervous.

"Romani," She says my name with a smile, her friends standing behind her as they talk amongst themselves quietly, "I actually had a favour to ask, if that's okay?" She asks me politely and I nod at her, a small smile playing on my lips.

"You're such a sweetheart," She gushes, and I fiddle with the ring on my finger to distract myself from my burning cheeks, "Could you send me some pictures of your notes? I couldn't concentrate today; my boyfriend is being an ass." She explains and I feel my smile drop a fraction.

Her boyfriend?

I realise she finished talking and I've just been staring. She smiles at me knowingly and I straighten a little, "Of course." I tell her, "I'll send them over tonight. I hope everything works out with your boyfriend." I smile at her softly and she beams back at me.

"Thank you, darling. Me too." She says, before waving me bye and heading out of the class with her group of friends.

I deflate a little as I head out of the classroom, shame she has a boyfriend.

"Romani!" A voice calls just before I step over the threshold of the class door, and I turn back to see Professor Monaro come over to me.

He was a tall man, over 6ft, with dark brown hair and an equally dark beard covering the skin of his jaw. He was objectively handsome, but he was like 40, and not my type.

I just look up at him as he approaches standing very close. I try back up but didn't realise the door had shut behind me, making me bump into it.

"Romani," He says again looking down at me, "You're too nice for your own good." He tells me and I frown up at him.

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