41. Earn your keep

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"Romani!" Tristan's voice calls me as I approach the exit of the training room

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"Romani!" Tristan's voice calls me as I approach the exit of the training room. I turn to face him, plastering on a broad smile when I see his own broad grin.

We had some onlookers, so I was more than willing to play along.

"Tristan." I respond as he nears me, pulling me in for a short hug before leaning back to talk to me semi-privately.

"Where are you running off to?" He cocks his head at me playfully and I speak through my grin.

"I met the girls, I'm heading home." I respond smoothly and he nods at me, backing up a step.

"And how did it go?" He asks me coolly, crossing his large arms over his equally large chest.

"Well, the girls seem lovely." I tell him honestly, voice soft.

He seems pleased by this, his grin widening impossibly, "Good. Still want me to fight Slater as a reward?" He waggles his brows at me, and I laugh at the gesture.

"Next time. I'll remind you." I grin, and he pouts, "You seem awfully eager to get hot and heavy with Slater, hm?" I tease, eyes sparkling with amusement.

Tristan scoffs a laugh at my joke, puffing up, "No way." He grumbles.

My grin widens, "You so do!" I laugh and he scowls down at me as I laugh at his own embarrassment.

He glares, "Oh whatever. Shouldn't you be trying to fight me for trying to steal your boyfriend?" He shoots back at me, raising a brow.

I laugh harder at that, "Me, fight you?" I say, "Please. If you really wanted Slater, you could take him, and I'd physically not be able to do anything about it."

Tristan seems annoyed by my correct logic and huffs, "Whatever he's not even really my type." He shrugs.

"Oh yeah?" I raise a brow, unconvinced, Slater is everyone's type, "And what would your type be?" I can't help but ask.

"Slater is too equally measured to me in size..." He trails off, "I prefer someone," He gives me a once over, "Smaller than me."

My smile fades a little and I stare up at him, "I'll keep an eye out then." I say and he smiles slightly and nods.

"See you tomorrow." He winks at me, and before I can even stop him to talk about our boundaries for tomorrow – he's jogging back to a group of guys.

I twist my lips in frustration but let it go. I'd speak with him before the fights tomorrow.

I turn to leave but feel familiar eyes on me. I glance over my shoulder to see Valentine watching me carefully from where he's spotting a guy I don't know.

I send him a discreet smile, which he returns dreamily before snapping back to attention when the guy he's spotting struggles with the weight, and yelps for him to pay attention and help.

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