58. Yes, I'm screwing my bosses

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"So bottom line is, you're screwing your bosses?" Juno asks me for the fifth time with a wicked grin on her face

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"So bottom line is, you're screwing your bosses?" Juno asks me for the fifth time with a wicked grin on her face.

I bury my face in my hands as it flares with heat for the umpteenth time tonight whilst we've told Nancy and Juno everything.

Well, not everything. The legal stuff.

Slater's deep laugh reverberates through me as I lean into his side at the diner booth we're sat at. He's thoroughly enjoying tormenting me with Juno, and I suddenly think they'll be a bad combination together.

Nancy is grinning at me over the rim of her drink, her smile genuine and teasing.

I groan, peeking through my fingers, "Yes." I say exasperatedly, "I'm screwing all of my bosses, is that what you wanted to hear?" I tell Juno with a faux annoyed edge to my voice.

She bursts out laughing, clapping her hands together before shaking Nancy sat beside her, "Can you believe this!?" She exclaims.

She's had one too many cocktails.

Slater's arm around my waist tightens and I look up at him, a warm feeling passing between us two.

We've spent most of the evening catching Nancy and Juno up on our... relationship?

We haven't put a label on anything, but I don't feel we need to. It's just... us.

"Babe, the only thing you picked up from that whole story was that Romani got with her bosses?" Nancy teases Juno, who only laughs in response.

"It's the most key point." She holds up her finger in a dictating manner and Nancy rolls her eyes before settling Slater and I a can you believe her look.

I smile at her, "Well now you know, but I might regret telling you if all you do is tease me." I narrow my eyes on my big sister and kick her under the table.

"Ow," She laughs, "I'm not teasing I'm just happy for you. But I still have to approve of the other two. This ones okay." She smiles, gesturing vaguely to Slater beside me.

He scoffs in amusement under his breath, and I hug his arm, "I'm glad you like him." I grin at Juno who winks at me.

Slater and Nancy haven't spoken about their situation at all, but they've both tolerated each other this evening, probably for Juno and my's sake.

I'm sure they'll catch up privately, but I've seen them exchange a few meaningful looks, so I'm hopeful they'll be able to resolve their past conflicts – despite Slater having lied to her earlier tonight about the fighting...

I sober up a little at the thought, remembering the situation we're in at the moment. I've been able to escape reality for a few hours with Nancy and Juno, but now it's all coming crashing back down.

I swallow, glancing at Slater to notice his slightly tense posture. He's worried about the others.

Rightfully so.

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