60. So stupid

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Car smiles widely again and I match it, "I'm sorry about the guns, just precautions

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Car smiles widely again and I match it, "I'm sorry about the guns, just precautions." She brushes off and I glance back down to the guns tucked in their waistband, swallowing.

"Who are you?" Slater speaks up finally, taking a step up behind me.

Gigi matches his stare, standing a little straighter. To the untrained eye Slater looks like a menace, but he really is just a teddy bear.

"We were here to dispatch the Monaro brothers. As I'm sure you know they've been a part of several illegal trades, such as human trafficking." He explains curtly.

I feel Slater frown behind me, tensing, "So you're FBI?" He asks warily.

This actually makes Gigi smile slightly, his lips kicking up at some sort of inside joke. Car grins, shaking her head, "Definitely not FBI." She reassures, "We're not with the police, you don't have to worry."

"So why come here?" Valentine interrogates – and I understand why. They're technically invading our territory, I'm wary as to their intentions as well.

Gigi wets his lips, sucking in a breath, "Let's say their business interactions were interfering with our business interactions." He explains vaguely.

I don't get it, my eyebrows scrunching up as I think it over before looking up to River.

He nods, seemingly understanding before looking down to my confused expression. He smirks, leaning down to whisper in my ear, "They're in illegal business too, Bambi."

My mouth drops open into an 'o' and River chuckles at me, "We need to work on that poker face." He comments, and I glare up at him before meeting Car's eyes warily.

"You don't..." I start, uncomfortable broaching the topic, "You don't traffic, do you? Were Easton and Raphael your competitors? That's why you killed them?" I ask, feeling the need to recoil.

Car's eyes widen and she shakes her head profusely, "God no. Never." My shoulders drop, relief flooding through me, "We're strongly against trafficking." Her eyes flit to the boys behind me, "How long have you been with Easton?" She asks softly.

Val swallows before responding lowly, "As long as we can remember."

The temperature in the room plummets, and Car nods gravely turning her focus to River, "Did you kill him to escape? Is that it?"

River nods curtly, "It was about fucking time we did something about him, we just didn't know who his brother was until recently. Without access to both of them it would've been a death warrant killing just one."

Car's eyes widen, "You killed Raphael too?"

River nods, "They're gone."

Even Gigi looks surprised, his brows raised as he looks at River with new eyes.

"You did our job for us." Gigi surmises, "Thank you." He tells us genuinely, and this has me shocked.

Gigi continues, his tone sincere, "I'm sorry we didn't get to you quicker. We could've helped you sooner had we known the severity, they only appeared on our radar recently."

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