48. Mail mix-up

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I'm painfully aware of Valentines dick inside me as I smile warmly at the two boys entering my apartment

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I'm painfully aware of Valentines dick inside me as I smile warmly at the two boys entering my apartment.

Their gazes find Val and me immediately and they regard our close proximity with indifference.

"Did you sleep well?" Slater asks me softly, coming over to lean down and kiss my lips in greeting.

Valentine chooses that exact moment to shift under me, making me squeak against Slater's lips unexpectedly.

He pulls aware and looks down at me with a mix of confusion and amusement, "I'll take that as a yes." He smiles before backing up and moving over to the bed to greet Baby.

River's already made himself comfortable on the floor – weirdo – back leant up against the wall and arm hooked around his bent knee as he regards Val and I.

"What are you working on?" River asks, holding eye contact with me.

I frown before I remember the essay laying carelessly on my lap and make an 'o' shape with my mouth in understanding.

"Oh, just my university essay." I respond to him vaguely, and he nods at me completely emotionless.

I can hear the Slater's soft voice fussing over Baby, who's now wagging her tail and is wide awake at Slater's presence.

That dog still has a crush on him.

Can you blame her?

I shift on Valentine's lap as I move my focus back to my essay, biting my lip at the feeling of him brushing against my inner walls.

"Is it hard?" River's voice drops an octave.

I almost drop my pen – for a second time today – and snap my gaze to River's.

"What?" I ask him confirmation.

His lips twitch, "Your essay," He expands, "Is it hard?"

"Oh," a breathy chuckle escapes my lip and I clear my throat, "Not exactly, I'm just short on time." I explain to him.

He doesn't respond, only watches me intently.

"So stop distracting her and let her work." Valentine pipes up behind me, sitting up so that my back is flush with his front, his arms snaking round to hug my from behind.

He places a chaste kiss to my shoulder and shiver wracks up my spine.

Slater snorts from his spot on the bed, "You're the one with her on your lap." He points out.

"You know what?" I state, putting down my pen and papers, "I've done enough this morning. I'll work more at night and I'm meeting Hudson tomorrow to work on it." I say, diffusing this whole argument before it explodes, and Val and I are caught in a compromising situation.

Slater is the one to frown deeply, "I don't know if that's a good idea." He states.

I look to him, raising a brow, "Are you saying that because of the situation with Easton? Or because you don't want me with Hudson?"

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