59. Car and Gigi

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a/n: for those of you who do not know car and gigi, all you really need to know is that they're quite powerful people who dabble in illegal activites... :) happy reading xoxo

My hands won't stop shaking as we wind down the back alleyways I've become all too familiar with in the past few months

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My hands won't stop shaking as we wind down the back alleyways I've become all too familiar with in the past few months.

A warm hand slips into mine, and I look up to Valentines handsome face, the hard lines of it softening as he gives me a reassuring look.

I hold his hand like a lifeline as we get closer to the clubs back entrance, my breath hitching when I see the door left just a centimetre open.

Valentine blows out a breath as we stop a safe distance away, "Someone's definitely gone in after Riv." He says quietly, yet the concern in his voice is palpable.

I choke back a distressed sound, shifting on my feet as I wrack my brain for what to do. I feel so useless- I have no training like these boys do, but I want to do something.

Slater grunts an unhappy sound before rumbling, "You sure? Could've been Miguel – or even Easton trying to escape." He muses.

My breath hitches, Miguel.

If someone has gone in after River, Miguel would've been in the way-

Without thinking I burst forward, worry for Miguel's wellbeing overshadowing any common sense in my stupid brain.

"Romani." Two growls grind out behind me, and I would normally have the decency to be scared by Val and Slater's tones weren't it for the fact I was already inside the door, looking down at Miguel's unconscious body.

I hold back a shriek at my friend lying helplessly on the floor, a cut on his forehead from where he's supposedly been knocked unconscious.

My hands are shaking as I press them firmly over my mouth – a futile attempt to simultaneously control my shaking and keep any sounds inside my voice box.

My feet leave the ground suddenly when I'm swept up, two looming figures joining my presence and stopping short.

"Fuck." Val curses, as Slater holds me by the scruff of my jumper like a naughty puppy.

He shakes me slightly, "Don't ever do that again, Jesus fucking Christ Romani." He stresses, dangling me at his eyelevel and looking into my eyes scoldingly.

I don't even hear his words, my heart going a million miles an hour as I imagine what Miguel went through.

"Miguel..." I trail off, twisting in Slater's grip to try return my attention back to my friend.

Slater doesn't let me look, Valentine crouching down to check him over as Slater pins me with his gaze again.

"I'm going to put you down." He tells me slowly yet firmly like I'm a child. "If you even take a step away from me, I'll have you over me knee until you're fucking crying for me to stop." He grits out, "Understand?"

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