49. Lion's den

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"Roe!! My baby!" Juno squeals and jumps out of her chair as soon as she sees me approach their small table in the café

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"Roe!! My baby!" Juno squeals and jumps out of her chair as soon as she sees me approach their small table in the café.

Juno's outburst has my cheeks heating as I shyly glance around at the other people in the café, giving us weird looks.

I'm pulled out of my embarrassment though as Juno pulls me into her chest for a hug, her tall frame holding the top of my head under her chin.

"Hi." I smile, hugging her tightly and smelling her familiar, comforting scent.

I come to the guilty realisation that I didn't realise how much I had actually missed her until now.

Juno pulls away with the broadest grin and snatches my hand, dragging me back over to their table. A few people grumble at us as we go obnoxiously back, but in true Juno fashion, she completely ignores everyone around us.

Nancy is grinning at the two of us with a reprimanding look, mostly directed at Juno.

"I need to keep you on a leash, the number of times you run off..." She shakes her head teasingly and Juno rolls her eyes.

I grin wider though as Nancy directs her warm smile at me, "Hi Nance." I tell her softly, hugging her as well as she stands to greet me.

"Hi sweetheart, we missed you." She tells me back, pulling away from the hug and pulling out a chair for me to sit with them.

"I missed you guys too." I tell them earnestly, looking between the two women who I consider my maternal figures.

"So," Juno says, leaning across the table to grin at me mischievously, "Tell us everything." She exaggerates and I laugh at her.

Some would think Juno was a 16-year-old girl the way she gossips.

Nancy sends me an apologetic look, but she leans forward too, equally as expectant to hear what I have to say.

"There's not much to tell..." I lie through my teeth, meeting each of their gazes.

Their eyes twinkle with amusement, disbelief evident on their faces, "Oh yes there is." Juno wiggles her brows at me.

I level her a faux glare, "You two really love to gossip about my love life." I cross my arms.

Both Juno's and Nancy's lips quirk up, the two women so in sync with each other.

"Who said anything about a love life?" Juno says, sick amusement in her voice.

My smile drops as Nancy joins her wife in torturing me, "Juno asked about everything, we were thinking more about school..." Nancy trails off, a wide grin spreading over her lips.

I feel a familiar heat crawl up my neck and onto my face as I stare into two pairs of smiling eyes.

I splutter a little, taken off guard as I try to deflect the question, "Is this the only reason you came down here?" I ask, faux offense in my voice, "To torture me?"

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