61. Red cheeks

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My mouths pops open at a loss for words as I look back into Slater's serious expression

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My mouths pops open at a loss for words as I look back into Slater's serious expression.

I look to my softest boy and ally in these usual circumstances, hoping he'll take pity on me, but I'm sorely disappointed when he smirks at me.

"Don't look at me baby," Valentine coos, thick corded arms crossed over his chest as he watches leisurely, "Your actions have consequences. Slater did warn you..." He taunts.

My bewildered expression quickly turns into the best glare I can muster, making Valentine snort as I turn back to Slater.

Fine. If they want to do this, I'll just have to play right into their game.

I walk straight up to Slater, slowly and seductively, my expression now one of hooded desire.

His eyes widen in surprise when I place my hand on his chest, his breathing growing a little ragged as his throat bobs.

I splay my palm firmly and push, sending him down onto the bed, legs splayed.

"How do you want me?" I ask innocently, batting my lashes as he tries to mask his shock.

"Christ," River murmurs behind me, and I glance over my shoulder to see him rearranging the front of his pants, "I should get held at gunpoint more often."

In any other circumstance I would've reprimanded him for rearranging his junk so blatantly, but it only made my ego grow. Though I did send him a small glare for the second comment.

He just winks at me.

Does he like when I'm in control...?

Slater straightens on the bed; his shock seemingly having worn off and a scowl replacing his expression.

He definitely doesn't like when I'm in control.

"Strip." He demands, and I know this is punishment for what I just did.

Little does he know I'm all too happy to comply.

I start with my pants, making a show of shimmying them over my bum and off my feet.

I feel two pairs of searing eyes behind me, but I keep my own on Slater, knowing he's the one who gets off on this power trip the most.

I reach for the hem of my shirt, smirking to myself when I remember I'm not wearing a bra and pull it up tauntingly.

When it reaches past my breasts, I hear an inhale of breath before I shuck it fully off.

I'm left standing in only my panties and a chill sweeps through my body, goosebumps rising on my skin and my nipples hardening as I wrap my arms around myself briefly.

Slater cocks his head from where he's sat in front of me. I'm looking down at him, yet everything in his expression says he has the control.

"You cold, sweetheart?" He asks, tone surprisingly soft as he looks at me with a tilted head.

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