11. Love or possession?

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"Explain." I growl, shoving River down so he's sat on the side of his bed as I stand in front of him.

I was pure anger. How the fuck could River be so careless? I know for a fact he's damn intelligent, but he's acting like an idiot right now.

River mocks me, resting back on his elbows in a lazy gesture as he grins up at me, "Green isn't a good colour on you, Slater." River tuts and I clench my jaw.

I ignore his implication, "River." I warn, voice low.

He huffs a defeated laugh, "You're right, who am I kidding? You look sexy in every colour." He teases, tongue wetting his lips playfully.

But I'm not in the mood for his psychotic games. "Do you want to explain to me why the hell some random chick now knows about our after-hour business?" I seethe, baffled at his stupidity.

And that wasn't even the best of it, oh no, we hadn't gotten to the part where I busted her for snooping in the fucking fight club.

"Pfft." River blows air through his closed lips casually, "She works here Slater, you think she wasn't going to find out eventually? Better sooner rather than later to be honest." He responds to me.

I shake my head at him. I've known this kid my whole life. Whole life, and he still manages to piss me off to this day. You think you would've gotten used to it by now.

"River." I say lowly, crouching to his level in front of him, "If we get busted for anything, we're done. We're already poor as shit and do illegal stuff on the daily. What happens when we all get thrown in prison cause a little girl snitched? Huh?" I ask him and his eyes narrow at me, all playfulness snuffed out of his eyes.

"Are you questioning my intelligence?" He asks me, sitting up so he now looks down at me between his legs, "No- are you question my ability to protect what's mine?"

I meet his gaze right on. In River language, what's his is what he loves. We've learnt to not take it personal when he treats you like a possession, in his sick twisted way its his love language.

"No." I tell him calmly and he breathes inwards heavily, "I'm questioning what that girls' intentions are."

River raises a brow at me, "The little Bambi is harmless Slater." He tells me with a cocky smirk.

I grit my teeth, "Then tell me why the fuck I caught her at the fight club earlier?"

A genuine wave of shock passes through River before he masks it. To anyone else, he would look totally calm. But not to me, I know him too well for that shit.

"No, you didn't." He says simply, shaking his head.

No, no not the gaslighting.

"Yes." I say firmly, "I did."

"No. you didn't." He says back, anger creeping into his voice, "You've said it yourself a million times, there are always girls at the club. You're confused with someone else." He dismisses me.

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