71. Candles

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The little bell rings daintily when I shove through the door, eyes immediately finding the lithe girl behind the counter

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The little bell rings daintily when I shove through the door, eyes immediately finding the lithe girl behind the counter.

"Be with you in just a second!" Her friendly, sweet voice calls over her shoulder.

My little Bambi is too trusting.

I approach the counter, briefly glancing over all the prettily decorated cakes and cookies she's displayed in the glass cases, pride swelling in my chest at the intricate work she's done.

I keep my eyes focused on the back of her head as she arranges papers on the opposite counter, neatly stacking them and rummaging through the corner of the stack to find a certain page.

A waterfall of blonde hair, bleached and wavy from the sun and waves, hangs to her lower back. My hands clench, itching to wrap it around my fist and drag her over to me faster.

She glances over her shoulder, this time meeting my eyes and I delight in the small breathy gasp that escapes her plush lips, the bundle of papers she was holding fluttering to the floor.

I cock my head at her, poor little thing just organised those.

"River," She says my name and the hairs on the back of my neck stand, "I thought you had work today, I-"

She glances down at the papers messing her floor and frowns, crouching down to pick them up and glance up at me with big eyes.

I lean my forearms on the counter, watching her on the floor as she continues her talking, "I thought you had work today. It's Thursday." She says, like that explains why I shouldn't be here to see my girl.

I scoff, "Is that any way to speak to a paying customer?" I raise a brow, following her movements as she straightens, setting the now unorganised pile of papers on the counter behind her before meeting my eyes again.

She seems caught off guard before a slow smile pulls at her lips. She approaches the counter again, an extra little sway in her hips as she does.

Now you're starting to get it Bambi.

She matches my position on the wide counter, forearms rested beside my own, her cleavage on display for only me.

I wet my lips, gaze not leaving her own.

"What can I get you?" She asks me.

My gaze drifts over to the display of cakes and cookies before dragging back to her, my gaze dipping down to her boobs again.

"Anything you have on display is an option?" I query, her eyes slanting at my innuendo.

Her forearms press tighter together, pushing up her boobs up higher, "Anything." She confirms.

"Then I'll have the chocolate chip cookie please." I smile, her face faltering before she straightens, a small glower on her face.

"You know we only do that shit after hours." She grunts, her face taut with frustration.

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