34. Cupcake

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When Romani leaves, Slater turns to stare at both River and me

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When Romani leaves, Slater turns to stare at both River and me.

He stares for a good 10 seconds before turning on his heel and walking towards the stairs to our room.

"Slater." I call and he stops mid-step, glancing over his shoulder at me.

"We need to talk." River says with an amused smile which definitely pisses Slater off to no end.

"What, cause Romani said so?" He scoffs, "You're on your fucking knees for that girl, it's pathetic." He spits.

I raise my brows at him, says you.

But River is not at all phased by Slater's words. In fact, he drops to his knees right there on the floor and smiles lazily at Slater as if to prove his point.

"Happily on my knees." He grins.

I choke a laugh at the spat between Slater and River, which earns me a glare from the former.

I put my hands up in defence, "Okay, okay." I say, walking over to River and nudging him with my foot, "Get up man." I tell him.

He does as I say, finding a seat on the sofa instead and lounging carelessly in it like it was his own personal throne.

I turn to Slater before he can run upstairs again, "Look Romani is right. We need to talk." I say pointedly.

Slater gives me a scalding look, and he didn't need to verbally communicate the fact he was saying no the fuck we don't.

River sighs dramatically, tucking his hands behind his head, "Shame. Oh well." He shrugs turning his attention to me, "Val, I guess that means it'll be us Romani's tight little body gets crushed between at night." He says unsympathetically and I suppress a smile at the thought of it.

Slater makes a deep sound of displeasure. Looks like we finally got his attention.

"The fuck it will." He snaps and River raises a brow at him, amused.

River leans forward from his relaxed position, pinning Slater down with his gaze, "Then be a big boy, and share." He tells him directly.

I glance between the two of them, completely different. River is the picture of calm and cocky, and Slater's the picture of barely contained anger, yet they were fighting for the same thing.

"She's going to get hurt. We're going to get hurt." Slater says, bouncing his gaze between the two of us.

"Slater," I tell him, tone reprimanding, "You don't need to keep looking after us. We're okay now. We can do this, together." I tell him carefully.

He clenches his jaw, but says nothing, "We deserve this." River says, voice small, "I think."

"Of course, we do." I confirm, "We've had no one our whole life, and now we get her? I mean we get fucking her? The embodiment of perfect in every which way and you're going to let that go?" I ask.

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