37. Stop staring

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Maybe telling Valentine and Slater to go shower was a bad idea

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Maybe telling Valentine and Slater to go shower was a bad idea.

I didn't think about how they'd look when they came out of the shower.

And holy hell...

I'm sat on the bed with River chatting idly, Slater sat on his own bed as he waits his turn for the shower, when the bathroom door opens.

Valentine walks out, a towel secured loosely on his hips and whatever River is telling me is suddenly going in one ear and out the other.

He could be telling me his plans to murder me violently and I wouldn't care. I was too focused on Valentines lean body, lightly muscled from his time at the club.

Beads of water roll down his chest from his still partially wet hair, and he licks his lips to catch a drop that fell from his unfairly long eyelashes.

"... and I've lost you." River concludes his speaking as he watches me watch Valentine with a grin.

I snap my head back to him, a blush threatening my cheeks, "I'm sorry!" I apologise, feeling bad for not hearing what he was rather enthusiastically busy telling me.

River only grins, ignoring my apology. His on traitorous gaze finds Valentines as he exchanges brief words with Slater, telling him the showers all his. "Pretty, isn't he?" River asks me lowly.

I nod my head idly as Slater leaves the room for the bathroom, Valentine turning his back on us to rifle through a pile of clothes.

Valentines' vibe and physique reminds me a lot of a vampire. It's a weird comparison but it seems to suit him well.

He has cunning twinkly eyes and pale skin which seems to glow in the right lighting. His hair is dark to contrast his otherwise fair features and he's lean in a way that suggests concealed strength.

When I look at River, I definitely see a dragon. No doubt about his sly and selfish characteristics but I like that about him. He's unpredictable but can also be a sappy giant.

Slater... I'm still not entirely sure. Even after he fucked me like an animal.

"You're staring." Valentine says, meeting my eyes over his shoulder. His eyes shift to River as well, "Both of you." He says through a smirk.

I look away with a small 'sorry' eliciting a husky laugh from Valentine, but River doesn't offer him the same curtesy.

No, like I said. Selfish.

"Keen observation." River drawls, "Are you complaining?"

Valentine hums, and I hear the shuffle of fabric and clothing as well as the distinct sound of his towel hitting the floor.

I try keep my expression neutral but can already feel my whole body heating up at the fact Valentine is dressing behind me.

River keeps his eyes on Valentine, so I keep my eyes on River. "You can look now." A voice announces lowly by my ear, and I jump slightly, earning a smile out of River.

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