9. Adrenaline junkie

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I freeze as I feel the clamping weight of a hand on my shoulder, looking down and following it up to its connecting muscular arm

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I freeze as I feel the clamping weight of a hand on my shoulder, looking down and following it up to its connecting muscular arm.

I reach the man's face, and I can't help but gape up at him.

Holy guacamole.

This tall, dark man was glaring down at me, eyes narrowed as he tries to assess who I am and where I came from.

But I'm too distracted by his beauty to remember my compromising situation.

Dark hair sticks to his forehead and neck, sweat glistening on his darker complexation. His eyes were practically black like obsidian, and his cheekbones cut from glass.

What were the odds of meeting three insanely attractive guys in a one-week period? Apparently higher than I thought.

Though I was pleased to know I wasn't the only one ogling. The boys grip loosened slightly as his face went a little slack.

His adams apple bobs when his eyes trail over my face, dipping lower only briefly before he seems to realise what he's doing.

He immediately lets go of me and takes a step back, narrowing his eyes at me yet again. He was gripping an empty water bottle in his free hand.

"Groupies aren't allowed at training sessions, come back for the fights." He grunts, his voice gruff, almost as if he didn't bother using it very often.

I scrunch my face slightly, "Groupie?" I ask him, never having heard the word before.

The boy falters a little, scrunching his own face at me in confusion, "Are you not a groupie...?" He asks, running his gaze over me in an assessing manner, "How did you even get passed Vinnie?" He asks again and I shake my head at him.

"I'm sorry I don't know what that is. And I don't know a Vinnie." I reply back as respectfully as possible.

This was a fight club and I'd just run into a massive guy. I was not about to try make enemies.

"Are you one of the fighters' girlfriends?" He asks, his tone taking on a meaner edge as he furrows his brows and shakes his head at me, "Just come back after fucking training, okay? No one here needs to distraction." He snaps and I look up at him, lost for words.

I take another step back from him, in the way I came, "I don't uh, I don't have a boyfriend." I say instinctively, and immediately wince at the way I said it.

God, way to make yourself sound like a loser in front of this guy!

His face changes, his sneer receding a little, as if the information pleased him.

"This place is dangerous; you shouldn't be here." He grunts, glancing around the hallway before settling his dark gaze back on me.

I nod at him in understanding, fully intending on getting the heck out of here.

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