22. Boy problems

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So Slater definitely doesn't like me

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So Slater definitely doesn't like me. But I'm not stupid, I can feel the sexual tension between us.

This is all a weird and new sensation to me. I've never been Hellbent on getting into a relationship or having one night stands.

So tell me why these three boys make me so damn horny.

Slater is walking too fast for me, and he knows it. His little evil smirk says it all as I try meticulously to keep up with his long strides.

At least Baby is on my side for this once, hanging back with me as I hold onto her leash.

About damn time she took my side instead of his-

She's the one who insisted we drag him out for this walk anyways!

"You know, if you're going to keep walking like that, I'll just leave." I huff and he glances back at me over his shoulder.

"Try it." He rumbles, "See what Darin does." His attitude was all arrogance.

I frown but glance down the Baby beside me. She looks up at me, and I communicate to her wide my eyes; please be on my side.

With that, I veer off to my left, crossing the street and heading down in the opposite direction.

I wear a grin as I look down to Baby triumphantly. "Good girl." I mutter, stroking her head.

I can hear a string of jumbles curses behind me, but I keep going, Baby and I walking down the street like we owned it.

A strong hand grips my bicep and tugs me to an abrupt stop, Baby letting out a low growl as we turn to face Slater.

"Fucking hell Darin." He growls, but he looks at me as he says this.

I frown and shove his harsh grip off my arm, "It's not her fault she listens to her owner."

Slater clenches his jaw and looks down at me annoyed, "And you need to listen to yours. Stay the fuck with me." He states clearly and I scoff at him in shock as I take a step back.

"What did you just say?" I ask in disbelief before shaking my head and raising a hand to silence him as he opens his mouth to respond, "I don't know who you think you are, but you sure as hell do not own me." I snap, making a turn to walk away from the douche before he snags my arms in his grip again.

"Don't walk away from me." He states and I fight the urge to roll my eyes, "You live under my roof, work at my shop, fuck my best friends and pretty much feed out of the palms of our hands. Yes, I practically do own you." He says lowly, his grip of my arm getting painfully tight.

I make a show of discomfort on my face, and he loosens it significantly, but doesn't let me go.

I stare at him in complete rage and disbelief, "Just because you got my dog a leash and collar – which I did not ask you to do – doesn't mean you've put one on me." I tell him sternly. I open my mouth to continue but he cuts me off.

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