6. Extra credit...?

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"River is going to fucking kill us

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"River is going to fucking kill us." I tell Slater as we walk through the dark quiet alleyways on our way home from training.

Slater scoffs a laugh, his deep voice ominous in the darkness, "I'd like to see him try."

I smirk at that, imagining River trying to take on Slater. He was all brawns, then again, fighting for 4 years will do that to a guy.

"Anyways," Slater continues, stretching his long, thick arms above his head as we near home, "His psychotic ass loves us too much to kill us."

I huff a laugh at that, "True, though that psychotic gleam he has in his eyes has only gotten worse since Romani got here." I comment, barely holding back the smirk on my lips, "So I wouldn't put it past him."

Slater makes a confused sound in the dark, "Who?" He asks, and I can see his face scrunch slightly in the darkness.

We turn down another alleyway and I shake my head at him, "Romani?" I repeat again pointedly, "Our new employee?" I try, completely disbelieving that Slater doesn't know who I'm talking about.

He makes a grunt of acknowledgement, and his scowl deepens, "Oh." Is all he says distastefully.

I laugh sarcastically at that, "Oh? That's all you have to say?" I ask him, as we continue walking, "The first and only girl to get a reaction out of River and that's all you have to say about her." I say, not understanding how Slater isn't even the slightest bit intrigued.

"She's just a girl, right?" He huffs, "We have them down at the fights all the time, just wait for your first one and you'll see what I mean." He says, sounding annoyed by the fact.

"Slater, have you seen Romani before? Trust me, she's not your typical groupie down at the fight club." I defend, and Slater eyes me sidelong, a tiny spark of curiosity flickering through his eyes.

We approach the backdoor to our place – or the bakery more like – knowing it was way later than we originally intended on coming back.

The after hour shifts would be over by now, and River would be furious. I just know it.

"Brace yourself." I mutter to Slater before unlocking the back door and stepping into the dark kitchen,

I tense, waiting for River to step out of the shadows and yell – but the room was shrouded in silence.

What the fuck?

I exchange a glance with Slater who seems just as confused as me.

We head up the stairs to our small apartment, slight worry marring our features when we realise how long we left him alone for...

And for the after hours shift too. The clientele aren't the most civilised people at times.

We make it to the top of the stairs, a faint light on by the side of the double bed, which we approach gingerly.

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