10. Don't overthink it

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I don't know who to look at first

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I don't know who to look at first.

But I can't help but look at Slater. His gaze burns right back into me, his hand still on the door from where he slammed it closed.

But its Valentine who speaks up first, "What is Romani still doing here?" He says, looking at me yet asking River who stands beside him.

I suddenly feel ganged up on with the three large boys standing watching me, and I also feel like I've way overstayed my welcome.

Besides, this was their house as well as their bakery.

I cross my arms, instinctively making myself as small as possible.

All that confidence just went down the drain. The adrenaline rush was over.

I glance at River, deciding it would be best of he spoke first, considering I didn't know if the other two boys were supposed to know about our plan.

"I wanted her to stay," River lies smoothly, "for dinner."

Ok so he doesn't want them to know got it.

That's a recipe for disaster.

My stomach twists silently at the mention of food, and I bite the inside of my cheek, worry gnawing over me.

I don't know what to make of Valentines expression. He almost looks... left out? His usual happy puppy demeanour has switched to a sad puppy demeanour, his eyes shining.

Slater, on the other hand, was obvious to pick apart. He scowls at me, not saying a word.

Valentine makes a pointed noise, "That's great River, but don't you have other things to be doing tonight?" He says, hinting something to River.

But River only rolls his eyes, "She knows about the weed relax." He admits and I shrink in on myself more at the way Slater's scowl deepens.

"Fuck." Valentine sighs, covering his face with both his hands, and peeking at me through them.

Was his face... red?

Is he embarrassed?

"I swear we're good guys." He tells me in a small voice, still watching me from between his fingers.

"Speak for yourself." River scoffs silently but I focus on Valentine, not being able to stop the small smile tugging on my lips.

This guy is an underground fighter who sells drugs and he's embarrassed cause he looks like a bad guy in front of me?

Too cute.

"She needs to leave." Slater says roughly, snagging the attention off Valentine and River.

River makes a loud protest, "But I wanted to feed her!" He exclaims, brows dipped into a scowl.

Yes, please feed me!

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