13. Detention

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I finish my test with 10 minutes to spare

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I finish my test with 10 minutes to spare. And those 10 minutes were the longest 10 minutes of my life.

My foot taps anxiously on the floor, my hands flicking through my test papers and double checking I hadn't left out any questions.

I felt bad for finishing before the time ran out, I was paranoid I'd left something out.

But when that timer finally went off and Professor Monaro called for everyone to set down their pens, I let out a small sigh of relief.

It was my last class on a Friday, which meant I had two days of no classes to take time for myself.

Which I felt like I deserved after this week.

Maybe I would ask Valentine to come snorkelling with me... I blush at the thought and shake my head, getting ahead of myself.

"Everyone is dismissed! Have a nice weekend." Professor Monaro grumbles unenthusiastically as he makes his rounds collecting everyone's papers.

I grab my tote bag, ready to practically skip down to the bakery when Professor Monaro calls out again, "Ms. Noor, Mr. Graham. Are you forgetting something?" He calls out, walking back down to his desk with a stack of papers in his hand.

I share a look with Hudson across the room, and we reluctantly turn to face Professor Monaro, who is eyeing us from behind his desk.

He waves us over with his middle and pointer finger in a lazy gesture and I huff, almost having forgotten about the detention I was awarded by my maths professor.

But why did it have to be with Professor Monaro?

I stand beside Hudson in front of his desk as he separates the papers into three piles, not looking at us as he speaks, "You'll be helping me mark these papers. I have a deadline for Monday morning, and I want these all done before you leave this room. Understood?" He finishes, finally looking up only to pierce each of us with his intense stare.

Is he seriously making us mark the tests we just took? Is that even allowed?

"I said, am I understood?" He repeats when neither Hudson nor I respond to him.

"Yes." Hudson mumbles, which Professor Monaro practically sneers at before turning his dark gaze on me.

I copy Hudson, mumbling a small, "Yes." But Professor Monaro raises a brow at me.

"Yes what?" He questions, and I can see Hudson make a face of revulsion in my peripheral vision.

I grind my teeth subtly. Why was Hudson's response acceptable and mine wasn't?

I give him what he wants just so I can get out of here quicker, "Yes sir." I repeat, and a slow smile pulls on Professor Monaro's lips.

"Good," He says, looking between the two of us again, "Get to work." He pushes a stack of papers to us each, along with a printout of answers for each question.

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