66. Flustered

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You think I'd be jealous seeing my best friend stick his tongue down my girl's throat

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You think I'd be jealous seeing my best friend stick his tongue down my girl's throat.

But fuck – I was hard.

Romani was straddling River behind his stupidly large desk – something he insisted we keep from Easton's old décor.

He said, and I quote, 'if I'm stuck running the finances of this place, I can at least look like a Bond villain whilst I do it.'

Though I'm starting to appreciate his decision of keeping the large wooden desk. A certain small girl would look borderline orgasmic pinned over it.

Romani breaks off the kiss, tilting her head backwards in bliss as she makes eye contact with myself and Valentine, her throat bared to River in a silent demand.

River gives in without hesitation, not realising how much power he gives to her as he kisses her delicate throat, marking the smooth skin.

I look into her eyes expectantly as she looks at us through hooded eyes, her mouth slightly parted. The freckles running over her nose are prominent in this low lighting, making me want to kiss each and every one.

"I'm glad you hired Tristan to work here." She breathes at us, and yelps suddenly as River's teeth sink into her skin.

My lips quirk slightly, River looking like an animal at her throat. "Don't say another man's name when we're touching you." I tell her calmly, evenly.

River slackens his jaw, removing his teeth from her skin as she lets out an exhale, River's tongue working to soothe the indentations he purposefully left behind.

It's a struggle to tear my eyes from his mouth on her skin, but I manage to meet her eyes once again, which are now narrowed at me pointedly.

I already know I'm in for a bullocking.

"Green isn't a good colour on you Granite." She mocks, narrowing her eyes further when I raise a brow in a challenge.

I smirk and look down to her neck, a bead of blood forming at an indentation when River's canines had sunk in.

I would've been angry at the fact he was so rough with her if I didn't already know Romani's a little freak who likes that shit.

"Reds a good one on you." I croon and Valentine chortles beside me before stepping toward Romani and capturing her attention away from me.

I clench my fists at that.

"I'm glad you think hiring Tristan is a good idea." Valentine responds to her earlier statement, stroking her hair back from her face.

River removes himself from her neck, done marking her like a fucking animal and looking between us intently.

Romani smiles at Valentine like he's a fucking saint. I choke back a scoff.

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