43. Don't let Val wash clothes

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I could not sit still throughout all my classes the next day

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I could not sit still throughout all my classes the next day.

All that was racing through my mind was the fight at the club tonight. I still hadn't spoken to Tristan, and I was worried I wouldn't get the chance before the fights began.

My leg was bouncing under the table of my desk as I chewed on my pen anxiously, all the words Professor Monaro was saying going in one ear and out the other.

Christ, I have so much work to catch up on-

A hand lands on top of my thigh, stilling my movements as I follow the arm up to Hudson's face, "Chill, Romani." He whispers beside me, sending me a concerned look.

"Sorry." I mumble quietly, before crossing my legs so I could keep them still.

"Something bothering you?" Hudson asks quietly, both of us keeping our eyes on the lecture in front of us so we don't make it obvious we're having a conversation.

When I don't answer straight away, Hudson speaks again, "Or someone? Is it your boyfriend? I can talk to him-" He starts to say.

"No, no it's not him." Any of them, I want to add on, but I bite my tongue, "I'm just stressed about finals, you know?" I half lie.

I was stressed about finals, but it definitely didn't take priority on my list when I had more illegal things to stress about.

"Hm," Hudson hums, completely unconvinced, "Well, we can study together for them. I'll help." He suggests.

I smile to myself, "That's not reassuring Hudson." I tease and he nudges my foot with his own discreetly.

"Hey," He mumbles, offended, "I'm in a university level Chem class, my brain has gotten me this far, hasn't it?"

I'm smiling behind my hands now, "I'm teasing. You have a big brain." I amend and the smug smile that appears on his face is confirmation of his forgiveness.

We stay silent for the rest of the lecture, Hudson actually taking more notes than me for once, whilst I continued to stress about tonight.

Just more silently than before.

"Before you all leave," Professor Monaro begins concluding todays lecture, "A reminder that your end of term essay is due Monday. I want them on my desk, no excuses."

He dismisses us all with a wave of his hand and people start getting up around us to leave.

My mind goes blank as I turn my stare to Hudson the same time he turns his stare to me.

"Shit." We simultaneously curse and widen our eyes.

"I forgot all about that." Hudson whines, burying his face in his hands as I just gape.

Me too. How- how could I – me – have forgotten about an Essay we've had a month to write?

I guess I've been kind of distracted lately...

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