18. Asshole and pervert

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"I'm not sleeping in your bed

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"I'm not sleeping in your bed." I cross my arms as I look at River.

He rolls his eyes at me, playful glee flashing through them, "Oh come on. Valentine sleeps here too." He argues and I scrunch my nose at him unconvincingly.

"Don't you have a couch or...?" I ask as a last resort and River looks around the room pointedly before setting his gaze back on me.

I'll take that as a no-

River narrows his eyes at me as he takes a step closer, I straighten, trying to act unbothered by his advances, "Are you scared?" He taunts, grinning manically, "Because the other option is Slater's bed, though I can't promise you'd be able to walk tomorrow if you slept there." He says, a feral amusement in his eyes.

My own widen, Slater would break my legs!?

River notices my apprehensiveness and runs his thumb across his bottom lip as he watches me squirm, "Tick, tock." He mutters, "What are you going to choose?"

I look down to baby who lays by my feet, only to break the intense eye contact with River. I huff a defeated sigh, and crawl onto the double bed.

I don't need to look to know River has a smug smile on his face as I settle under the covers on the very outskirt of the bed.

The mattress dips beside me a few seconds later, but River has respected my space and stayed on his side of the bed.

There was plenty of room between us for Valentine to crash when he got home from his fight, and I just prayed Slater wouldn't see me in the darkness of the room.

"Sweet dreams, Bambi." Rivers taunting voice calls in the dark, and I screw my eyes shut tighter, shuffling into thee mattress to get comfortable.

"Good night, Lake." I grumble back, hearing a soft snicker in return before I fall into a dreamless sleep.


I lean into a familiar chest who holds me tightly around the waist. I groan a little, snuggling deeper into Valentine.

My hands slide up his chest and neck, folding into his hair as I lean closer. I could feel the heat of River's body behind me, but he sounded fast asleep.

"I missed you." I mutter, my mind still half asleep as I pull his head down to me, demanding a kiss.

He fulfils my request without complaint, large hands tightening on my waist as he kisses me deeply.

His tongues shoves deeply into my mouth, not giving me a chance to set the pace but rather taking what he needed from me, his teeth grazing my bottom lip threateningly.

It was entirely different from the other times he's kissed me, so much more demanding and selfish. I couldn't help but let out a small moan at the show of dominance, "Valentine." I breath against his lips.

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