44. Whiplash

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"Fucking hell

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"Fucking hell." Slater murmurs under his breath as he goes back and forth between the kitchen, stressfully collecting his things for the fight.

I'm sat on the sofa, the other two boys upstairs getting their last shit together. Baby was with me though, her head perched on my lap as I pet her head and ears idly.

I watch slightly amused as Slater runs his hands over his face in exasperation, "Are you nervous?" I ask Slater, who turns his attention over to me.

He shakes his head slightly, "Not nervous... just stressed." He tells me, continuing to move erratically around the room.

"Slater," I call for him again, and he pauses his movements, "Just sit down for a minute, okay?" I tell him.

He looks at me for a few seconds, deliberating what to do before his shoulders sag a little and he gives in. He trudges over to the sofa where I'm sat and sinks into it beside me.

I guide his head down onto my lap as well, beside Baby, despite Slater's scowl. "There..." I murmur, running a hand through his hair, "Better?" I ask.

Slater breathes in deeply before nodding against my thighs.

"You know I can help you destress whenever." I tell him, still playing with the long strands of his black hair.

He turns his head so he's looking up at me, a small smirk on his face, "We have 30 minutes before we need to go, I need longer than that to be able to destress with you." He tells me suggestively.

I gape and tug his hair ever so slightly, "Not what I meant." I grumble, though there's a smile on my face.

"Maybe so." Slater shrugs, looking up at me, "But it's what I want."

"Yeah?" I rebuttal, "Maybe you'll get it after you win your fight." I continue running my fingers through his hair, delighting in the way his eyes flutter shut momentarily.

"You sound pretty sure I'm going to win." He says.

"I am pretty sure. Are you not?" I ask him back and he scrunches his nose a little.

"I might win, but he might also pull all the hair from my head in the process. The guy I'm fighting tonight is notorious for that move." He scoffs.

I frown down at Slater deeply, "Isn't grabbing hair an illegal move?" I ask him.

He glances up at me with a wide smile, "We're fighting illegally, darling. There are no illegal moves."

My cheeks heat, that was a stupid question on my part.

Though Slater seems amused by it, chuckling at my outward reaction.

I run my hand through his hair once more, stopping my movements when I get an idea, "How about I braid it for you?" I ask Slater.

He looks at me like I'm crazy, "Braid it?" He repeats and I nod my head.

"Yeah, I can do two small French braids. They'll sit close on you head, this way that guy can't tug on it." I explain and Slater just stares up at me.

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