33. Hellhound

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Showering was a slightly painful process

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Showering was a slightly painful process.

For one, my wrists were definitely bruised, the large shape of Slater's fingers twisted around then like caveman markings.

Secondly, my... well my vagina kind of hurt like a bitch. But it was tolerable pain, one that satisfied me more than hurt.

It's like when your muscles are super sore after working out. You're uncomfortable but the pain means you did well.

I think Slater and I definitely did well if my soreness is anything to go by...

I try finish my shower as quickly as possible, not wanting to use up the boys' hot water in their apartment.

I wash my body even though Slater did a pretty good job with his tongue. My cheeks heat at the reminder of him licking up my abdomen.

I switch the shower water to cold, dousing myself with the water before switching it off and shivering, stepping out of the cubicle to wrap myself in a towel and dry off.

I left my hair up to keep it dry, so I only dry off my body and redress quickly in the bathroom.

As soon as I open the bathroom door, I hear loud voices coming from downstairs, the sound of River and Valentines laughter drifting up the stairs.

How was I going to face everyone after what Slater and I just did? In the kitchen of all places-

I take a breath and shake off my nerves. It's nothing to be embarrassed about Romani, you got this.

I take out my hair from its bun and fluff it out, letting it fall down my back. I tiptoe down the stairs, and enter the room, three pairs of eyes latching onto me.

"Roe, Roe." A sing-song voice taunts me from my right. I glance over to see River staring at me with a broad grin, eyes alight with mischief.

He leans forward from where he's sat on the sofa, resting his arms on his thighs as if to get a better look at me, "Did you learn something today?" He asks me, a sadistic curve to his lips.

Heat rises from my neck to my cheeks, and I can't help but glance quickly at Slater, who remains leaning against the kitchen countertops.

More specifically the one he fucked me on. His arms are crossed as he leans against it, hiding it from view. It was as if he was protecting the memories that happened there, for our eyes only.

River catches the glance and bares his teeth in a sick smile, "I meant from school, Bambi." He clarifies with a reprimanding 'tut', enjoying watching me squirm.

Slater scowls from the corner of my eye, seemingly having had enough of River's taunts, "Quit it." He grumbles at River, who only smiles and leans back into the sofa in victory.

"Come here." Slater grunts, nodding his head at me and I hesitate before approaching him.

Valentine chortles a laugh, covering the sound up as a cough as he mumbles something incoherent to River, who snorts a laugh as well.

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