54. Shutting down

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The first thing I notice is the real estate office is awfully quiet, despite the little bell ringing above the door to signal my arrival

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The first thing I notice is the real estate office is awfully quiet, despite the little bell ringing above the door to signal my arrival.

I swallow pass the awkwardness creeping up my throat, "Hello?" I say, awfully meekly.

When no one responds so my half-hearted call, I take a minute to look around the office.

Its nicely laid out, with a small reception desk at the front and doors either side of the wall leading off into individual offices.

I bite my lip and look around nervously. Was I too early? I didn't want to be caught here alone and get into trouble.

Making a quick executive decision, I decide to head over to one of the office doors, logically believing that's where people will be residing.

I approach one hesitantly and knock.

No response. Argh, this is not doing anything good for my social anxiety.

Maybe they didn't hear me? I reach out for the door handle and push down, my breath catching when I discover the door isn't locked.

I push it open with a sudden burst of confidence, and my shoulders sag when I find it, surprise surprise, empty.

I frown into the empty room, noting that there's a laptop on the desk and a half empty coffee mug.

So there are people here. But where?

I open my mouth to call out again, but I do a double take when I glance at the front of the desk.

I take several hurried steps into the office, blinking twice, three times to clear my eyes.

The name plaque on the desk must be some sort of coincidence, right?

I blink once more to make sure my eyes aren't deceiving me, and my breathing picks up when I'm sure they're not.

Raphael Monaro

The door slams shut behind me suddenly and I jump so violently my heart lurches in my chest.

I don't even want to turn around to see the man I'm sure I'll face.

"Ms. Noor." His voice is the same as it's always been and doesn't fail to send shivers down my back.

I turn, despite all my instincts telling me not to. There Professor Monaro is, standing tall and imposing in front of my only exit.

My heart practically stops when he twists the lock on the door, and it clicks into place.

"What is this?" I manage to ask, voice strong despite my shaking nerves.

He smiles deceptively kindly at me, but it's off-putting.

"Oh, you're smarter than that Romani, I know you." He offers, and I bite the inside of my cheek at the familiarity with which he says my name.

When I don't say anything back to him, he shrugs, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his slacks, "You and Mr. Graham took it upon yourselves to snoop around my office, the answers were right in front of you." He tells me, eyes piercing behind his glasses.

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