55. Feral

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"Fucking tell me

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"Fucking tell me." I growl at Easton for the fifth time, my knuckles even bloodier than they were this morning, which will surely put a frown on Bambi's face.

Easton spits blood out of his mouth from the blow I just landed on his cheek and glares up at me, "Fine just relax with the fucking psycho spree." He finally recedes, and I dump him unceremoniously back into his chair, taking a few steps back.

I cross my arms and wait for a response, needing to fucking know why Easton wanted Romani and I to make steroids. It obviously wasn't to give to his fighters like I naively believed.

Easton breaths in deeply, straightening out his stupid tie which has blood on it now anyways, "My brother approached me with a mutually beneficial deal." He starts and my eyes widen.

He never speaks about his brother unless necessary.

"The one who handles the legal shit you do?" I clarify and Easton nods.

"Yes, he came to me saying he wanted..." He trails off, shrugging, "Something."

I roll my eyes at the vagueness of his responses, "The fuck does that have to do with us?" I encourage him and he narrows his eyes at me frustratedly.

"The benefit on my end of the deal was that I got my third most valuable asset working for me." He sneers, obviously making a show of dominance in the reminder that he owns me.

I scoff at the fact his asset just beat the shit out of him.

"What so you got me making you drugs which you could then resell for a larger profit margin?" I clarify, bored by the simplicity of the situation.

"Yes." Easton responds curtly.

I lick my teeth, thinking. Something doesn't add up. There's more to the story than this, I just don't know what to ask to get the answers I want.

I speak up after a few seconds of silence, "What does your brother get out of this?" I ask, not being able to imagine any benefits in it for him.

Why would he approach Easton with this idea when he handles the legalities?

Easton doesn't respond, only holds my gaze, something like indecision flickering through his eyes.

I narrow mine in response. I obviously asked the right question.

I stand a little straighter and take a step towards him, cocking my head, "What does your brother get out of this?" I repeat.

Easton sucks in a harsh breath and scratches his neck before returning my stare, "He gets access to someone he's been after for a while, that's all." He decides on saying.

His response unsettles me, and I grind my molars together. Access to someone? Possibly one of Easton's steroid clients?

But... where does Romani fall into all this? How come Easton was so willing to let her in on the deal?

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