28. Public property

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"You're joking?" I squeak after Easton just offered us an extended contract for the steroids we gave him

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"You're joking?" I squeak after Easton just offered us an extended contract for the steroids we gave him.

Easton smiles at me, almost affectionately and nods, "I'm not. I'll give you 30k if you keep me supplied for the next three months. That comes to 10k a month for a portion." He repeats and I just stare in shock.

30k... I would be set – I wouldn't even have to work at the bakery anymore!

Something about that thought saddens me, but I'm broken out of it with River's interruption.

He doesn't act as flabbergasted as me, reigning in any emotions he has, or doesn't have. "And our previous agreement stays? Valentine and Slater aren't to have any of them." He inquires, eyes boring into Easton's.

Easton looks at complete ease though, leaning back into his chair and nodding his head, "Correct." He agrees but his eyes slide over to me, "She, on the other hand, has to keep up her end." He says, now looking at me.

Oh. I forgot about that.

I shift a little in my seat as Easton smiles at me, "What would I have to do specifically?" I ask softly, a little hesitant to the answer.

Easton chuckles as he glances to River, "You haven't told her?" He asks him and River remains as impassive as ever, not rising to the bait. Easton rubs his stubbly jaw, "Is she yours?" He asks him and I feel my temper flare.

"No." I say in a hard voice, the same time River says "Yes.", in an equally hard one.

We cut glares to each other as Easton laughs under his breath as our varying responses. "I see." He says nodding. "And you'll be okay with one of your friends having her at fights?" He asks, genuine curiously in his voice.

Having me?! What is he talking about-

"It won't be a problem." River says, voice hard as he cuts a glance to me.

Easton 'tsks', sucking in through his teeth as he shakes his head at River with an amused smile, "Better sharing skills than I have, I'll tell you that." He comments, glancing over at me again.

I scowl at him deeply, crossing my arms in an attempt to look more threatening, "Are you going to continue talking about me like I'm not right here, or are you going to tell me what I need to do?" I sass, and Easton raises a brow at me.

"Shame, I kind of like her." He mutters and I'm about to smack his smug face before he continues, "You'll be here with a bunch of other girls during fights. Each fighter is usually assigned a girl who, for all intents and purposes is 'his'," He begins to explain, air quoting his words, "It's common practice with these kinds of things, the fights on their own would bring in a decent crowd but fights with girls? Whole 'nother ballpark.

"Not every fighter has a girl. They're harder to find than you think. You'll be assigned to someone, and you have to support them at their fights and hang off their arm the whole night." He shrugs, "Simple, right?" He says.

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