31. Wrath

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I had a major case of blue balls the next morning

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I had a major case of blue balls the next morning.

Or would it be blue ovaries?

Either way, getting up and ready for university this morning was more than difficult. Especially when I had two half naked men watching me from my bed.

It could be three half naked men-

I shut down the thought before it's even finished. It was crazy to think I had two guys, let alone three.

Even so, I needed to work through my issues with Slater. It wasn't a healthy relationship, for us or for River and Valentine.

"What's on your mind buttercup?" Hudson flicks my hair from beside me and I shift my attention to him.

He sends me a warm grin and I smile softly back at him, shrugging, "Nothing much." I sigh, the chatter of the rest of the class distant in my thoughts.

He frowns, "Doesn't look like nothing. Do you wanna talk about it? I don't know how much I can help but..." He trails off, giving me a hopeful look.

I rest my head on my arms and stare up at him with a defeated look, "I like this guy and I think he likes me too. But I don't know, he doesn't seem to want to be with me, you know?" I say vaguely.

Hudson expressions drops a little before he shakes it off, "Just tell him how you feel. If he's too much of a pussy to make a move, why don't you?" He raises a brow at me.

I twist my lips, "I feel like it's more complicated than that." I muse, thinking of Slater's dips in emotion. "I think he's... scared." I say.

Hudson raises his brows, "Of you?" He asks.

"No, of... something." I say.

Hudson snorts, "That's helpful."

I glare at him, "Enough about me, what about you?" I prod him and he gives me a questioning look. I roll my eyes, "Your love life." I clarify, "Surely it can't be as complicated as mine."

He hums, looking down at me thoughtfully, "Well there was this girl, but she's taken." He says pointedly.

I open my mouth to reply when he gives me another knowing look. Oh.

I feel my cheeks tinge red and he smiles at me flushed state, "Oh." Is all I can say, "I'm sorry, I didn't know-"

"Pfft," he waves me off, "It's fine seriously. I feel like I get immediate crushes on anyone I meet I can't really help it." He smiles.

I still feel a little awkward but smile up at him. "Well then I'm sure it won't be long till someone who returns the feeling." I smile, nudging his arm.

He rolls his eyes playfully, "Maybe. If you have anyone in mind for me, please send them my way. I'm sick of hook-ups I want something stable." He pouts a little.

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