20. Darin

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I've ridden Valentine's thigh, I've let him kiss me silly whilst his best friend made me come and we've slept in the same freaking bed

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I've ridden Valentine's thigh, I've let him kiss me silly whilst his best friend made me come and we've slept in the same freaking bed.

So why am I suddenly feeling nervous about taking my clothes off at the beach and revealing my bikini in front of him.

Valentine doesn't seem to notice my nervousness as he slips his shirt over his head, and wiggles off his joggers in a very endearing motion. He stands before me in his swim shorts, chest gleaming with muscles, and waits patiently for me to do the same.

"Don't tell me you're getting shy on me now baby." He teases with a grin, and I huff a frustrated breath.

"No." I mumble, and he shakes his head, jogging backwards towards the water.

"Fine, guess I'll just swim all by myself." He drags out the words and runs into the waves.

I feel slighted comforted by the fact he subtly gave me some privacy, even though he can see me from the water.

I sigh and begin stripping my clothes beginning with my pants and then top. The beach isn't very busy at this time of day, though I hear a fit of giggles a little further down the beach and turn my gaze to it instinctively.

I see a group of four gorgeous girls, standing together in their bikinis and sneaking appreciative glances at Valentine, who stands oblivious in the water shaking the droplets out of his hair before smoothing it back.

His muscles ripple as he does so, and a sour taste builds in my mouth at the exchange between the girls.

With a newfound determination, I put my clothes down beside Valentines and march down to the water, not even flinching at its slightly chilly temperature. I was more than used to this by now.

He hears me coming and turns around eagerly, gaze running up and down my body before meeting my eyes with a devilish glint.

"Fuck me." He mutters as I laugh and walk into his open arms. He leans back a little to look down at me with an impressed stare, "Those abs could compete with mine." He gawks and I glance down slightly to my toned stomach.

I had some definition there, but not nearly as much as Valentine, "I told you I like to swim." I tell him with a pointed glance, and he scoffs, shaking his head as he hugs me to his bare, wet chest.

The water reaches his waist where we're standing but comes up a little further on me.

"How about you?" I prod him with a finger, and he hums, "Where did these abs come from?" I tease back, already knowing the answer but wanting to get to know him anyway.

Valentine looks at me amused, "Don't pretend you don't know." He smiles broadly.

"Know what?" I frown at him, and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Smart girl like you would've put two and two together by now." He taunts and adds on with a smirk, "Plus I'm sure you've gotten answers from River, he'd probably tell you his social security number with hearts in his eyes."

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