69. Water baby

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"Shut the fuck up

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"Shut the fuck up." River snaps at Val and Slater, who are snickering a few feet away from us, lounging deliciously on their beach towels.

I whip my head up to River and he meets my eyes, his own softening when I halt the sand-mermaid tail I'm building around his long legs.

"Not you Bambi, keep going." He tells me softly, a complete disparity to the way he spoke to his best friends.

I grin, resuming to pat sand down, carving out the fins of his tail.

Baby is running circles around us, digging up various holes of sand, purposefully kicking some on the boys as she went.

Atta girl.

"You need some shells for your bra, Ariel?" Val snickers, looking over at River with an amused smile.

River scowls, hands coming up to cup his non-existent boobs. More like pectorals.

"And deprive you of this view?" Her counters, to which I snort like a pig.

River turns to me with a smug look, "You enjoy the view, right Bambi?"

I take a minute to look him over, his swimming shorts completely covered by the sand now, leaving his V-line and abs on show, glistening in the sun.

I nod absentmindedly, "Mhm."

River runs his tongue over his teeth, supressing the egotistical smile on his face before turning to look at the other two, "See?"

When he turns his head like that his jaw sharpens, the pulse point in his nek thumping in time with his heart.

Like a vampire in a trance, I have the urge to lick it, discarding my work on his sand tail and climbing up his legs, the sand breaking beneath my weight.

My movement lures his attention back over to me, his eyes darkening when he sees my intent, and probably my tits hanging out of my bikini at this angle.

I straddle his midsection, using a manicured finger to turn his head back to the others, who're watching with envious expressions of the boy they were just teasing.

I don't miss the smirk River gives then when I turn his head, but I'm too preoccupied with the strong column of his neck.

I brush a thumb over his pulse, which is beating much faster now than it was before and lower my mouth to kiss it gently.

River inhales sharply, a hand finding my hip to squeeze.

I make good work of kissing his neck, my hands starting at his abs and moving up to his corded shoulders.

"Dickhead." Slater grumbles, making me turn my head and grin at him from my position on River's lap.

River snorts, "I may be a dickhead, but I have the girl." His other hand attaches to my hips as well, kneading the soft flesh there gently.

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