21. Darling

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If I hate Romani, why the fuck do I do all this shit to keep her close?

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If I hate Romani, why the fuck do I do all this shit to keep her close?

She's sat on the floor with Darin, giving her loving pets and kisses as she admires the collar I picked up for her today. There was a matching leash sat on the kitchen counter.

Yes, they may be stolen but – well, my money was used for other necessities...

"Darin." She coos lovingly at the dog, and it's all I can do to not smile down at my book as she butchers the Japanese pronunciation.

It was cute how she says it, with a European accent to the words.

ダーリン, Darin. It was the Japanese word for darling, though Romani doesn't know that as she smiles at the dog.

I told her this morning I preferred darling over baby; she was warned.

My eyes glide back down to my book, but I find myself reading the same sentence over and over again. I just couldn't concentrate...

My eyes glide back over to Romani, but this time Darin comes running over to me.

"Baby!" Romani calls after her to get her attention and I look to Romani, raising a brow. She notices her mistake and fumbles, "Darin." She tries to say again, and this time I can't stop the small smirk at her pronunciation.

Romani frowns at me deeply, crossing her arms over her chest in a show of cute frustration, "What are you smirking at me for? It's not my fault you picked such a weird name to pronounce." She grumbles, and I pet Darin as she comes up to nuzzle my hand.

"It's Japanese." Is all I offer in a rumble, but out of the peripheral vision of my eyes I can see Romani perk up slightly.

"What does it mean?" She asks, voice sounding much more interested. I don't spare her a glance nor reply. Romani doesn't take well to this, huffing again like a little brat, "Well no wonder I can't pronounce it. It'll have to be baby for now." She says defiantly.

I chuckle subtly at how close the literal translation was anyways. I didn't care what the dog was called – but calling her Darin gave me unlimited opportunities to inadvertently call Romani darling all I wanted.

And best of all, it wouldn't rouse suspicion in River and Valentine.

At least I don't think it will.

The room settles into a silence, the dog still at my feet as I try rereading the same paragraph again for the fifteenth time.

Romani doesn't move from where she's sat on the floor, but I can feel her critical gaze on me as she tilts her head.

"So you fight, huh?" She says all of a sudden, and I snap my eyes to her.

She doesn't seem fazed by my startled reaction, and I mentally curse River for blabbing his fat mouth.

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