4. Our employee

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Slater and I enter the bakery through the back entrance, both still sweaty and breathing heavily from our training at the fight club

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Slater and I enter the bakery through the back entrance, both still sweaty and breathing heavily from our training at the fight club.

"Want to come meet our new little employee?" I smirk at Slater who stands brooding beside me as we enter the backroom.

River is sat on one of the counters, looking awfully happy with himself as he glances up to us in greeting.

I frown at him, the fuck is he so smug for?

Slater shakes his head, black hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, "Later." He grumbles and makes a beeline for the stairs, going up to no doubt shower the day at the fight club off of him.

I watch him go and hear River snort at the scene, "He's such a pussy when it comes to girls." He comments, flicking his lighter on and off in his hand.

I see the stack of weed brownies laying on the counter beside him, ready for tonight.

"Says you." I scoff back at him, and he scowls at me threateningly, "Speaking of, how's our girl?" I say absentmindedly and River stops flicking his lighter, looking up at me with a sick grin.

He hops off the counter and approaches me, "Our girl, huh?" He mocks me and I internally facepalm.

That's not what I meant-

"I meant our employee." I rectify, but the smirk River gives me tells me he doesn't believe me, "She just happens to be a girl." I grumble.

River looks completely unconvinced as he grips my chin, forcing me to look at his unfairly attractive face, "You find one good pussy and you forget about me?" He asks me, smirking like he enjoys tormenting me.

It doesn't help it turns me on when he does this.

I shove him off me though, "Don't talk about her like that." I grumble and push past him to enter the front of the shop, the time nearing 6.

I push through the door and Romani whips her head towards me, slight trepidation plastered on it before she sees its me.

She then breaks out into a gorgeous smile, "Valentine." She says, my name rolling off her tongue.

I can't help but smile back, "How was your day?" I ask her.

She flushes a deep red and clears her throat, "It was good." She says back elusively, and I analyse her.

Fucking River.

The little shit did something, didn't he?

I only smile at her in response, not wanting to make her more uncomfortable and I open the display case.

I pick out two cupcakes – a red velvet and carrot cake – and pop them into a small box. I hold it out to her, "For you."

Her shoulders sag from her previously tense position, and her eyes widen as she looks up at me, "Really?" She asks me, disbelief in her voice.

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