65. The bosses

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One week later

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One week later...

"What do you mean you're not going back to university?" Juno gapes at me from across the table where we're sat in her new kitchen.

I shrug, "I mean I'm not going back. I don't want to." I shake my head, thinking back on my experience there as a whole.

After receiving the letter from Carlotta, I needed some time to think my decision over.

The predictable thing would be to call her back immediately and ask for my space back at uni.

But after a week's deliberation – a perfect week with my boys at that – I've made my decision.

I was never truly happy there, and not just because of Professor Monaro. My chemistry course was extremely difficult and taxing on my mental wellbeing. After having met River, Val and Slater I never realised how little I was interacting and enjoying myself socially.

Additionally, university is expensive. Despite having Juno and Nancy to help support me, it was never really meant to be.

Juno just stares at me wide eyed, and Nancy kicks her not-so-subtly under the table before smiling at me softly.

"We support your decision, Romani. School isn't for everyone, and you certainly don't need it to be successful and have a fulfilling life." She tells me, and I let go of a bit of tension I didn't realise I was holding onto.

I smile, "Thank you. I thought maybe I could take control of the bakery... you know do it up, make it into a café sort of place." I tell them, twiddling with my fingers as I express the idea I've talked to the boys about this past week.

They were wildly supportive – especially now that they've been so busy with organising their gym. They'd forgotten about the bakery and gave me control over it completely.

I had shown them just how much I appreciated that last night.

Juno perks up immensely, "That's amazing, babe! Oh, you'd be so perfect for the job!"

I smile wider, my older sister's validation meaning the world to me, "You think?" I grin.

She nods vehemently, "Oh yeah. You could do a little surfer girl theme and all." She winks, making me chuckle.

"Definitely." I confirm, "I'm so happy you've moved here, the house looks amazing." I confess, glancing around the open plan kitchen area with awe.

Nancy and Juno share a loving look, "We are too. The house is to die for, as soon as we saw it on our viewing, we had to have it! We closed the sale so quickly; it doesn't even feel like we moved in just yesterday." Nancy gushes, her hand subconsciously finding Juno's on the table.

I smile at their connection. I truly believe in soulmates, and anyone can tell they're each other's.

A wet snout pushes at my bare calf and I look down to spot Baby lying on the floor by my feet, huffing at me when we make eye contact.

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