12. Dog food, baby

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Despite River being incredibly distracting, we were able to study a lot between customers, and when customers did arrive River was able to practice his emotions

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Despite River being incredibly distracting, we were able to study a lot between customers, and when customers did arrive River was able to practice his emotions.

Let's just say Valentine was right to keep him in the back.

I finish locking up the front of the shop at 6pm and turn to grab my tote when a spell of nausea runs through my body.

I grip the counter as I steady myself, my stomach tightening painfully as I rest my forehead on the cool counter.

I needed to pick up some food on the way home. Money be damned.

The nausea slowly passes, and I carefully push off the counter, balancing on my own two feet again as I pick up my tote bag and head to the back room.

I stop short when I see all three boys gathered at the small table, their eyes instantly finding me as I step into the room.

I hold Slaters stare for a second before switching the Valentine, who grins at me happily.

I open my mouth the speak but am cut off by a low voice, "You here to beg for scraps again?" Slater says, his dark eyes glaring at me form behind his equally dark hair.

My words get lost in my throat as I snap my mouth shut, embarrassment flushing through me.

River snaps his head to Slater, "Fuck off man. You've been a real dickhead these past few days, you know that?" He snarls, and Slater meets his glare with his own.

Valentine rolls his eyes at the two boys quarrelling and gets up from the table, heading over to the counter where he stirs a steaming mug.

Slater stands abruptly from the table and glares down at River, "No you've just been a blind idiot these past days. Get your head out of your ass," He snarks, heading for the stairs before looking directly at me as he says the next words, "Or more accurately, her pussy."

I don't even react to his comment, knowing he's baiting me for some kind of reaction. So instead, I turn to face Valentine who approaches me with the mug in hand.

River, however, starts yelling profanities at Slater as he follows him upstairs. He definitely wasn't one for hiding or faking his emotions.

"I made you noodles." Valentine tells me with a lopsided smile, handing me the warm mug and a fork.

I accept the mug and fork with a blank face, turning to look up at him with wide eyes, "Why?" Is all I stupidly respond.

But Valentine gives me a soft look, and shrugs, almost like he knows exactly why I needed noodles, but instead he says, "You wore your uniform like I asked. Obedience should be rewarded, no?" He grins.

Gratefulness blooms in my chest and I look down to the mug, where he indeed has made me instant noodles.

I look up at him with so much glee you would think he handed me a million euros, "Thank you!" I tell him, standing on my tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek.

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