19. New crush

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I wake up the next morning, feeling like I honestly had the best sleep of my life

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I wake up the next morning, feeling like I honestly had the best sleep of my life.

My arms stretch out either side of me as I stretch my back, but something feels like its missing...

The two spaces beside me in the bed are empty and I ignore how dejected that makes me feel.

Memories of the middle of the night flood back to me. My fingers ghost my lips as I remember the way River kissed me – no, I don't even think I can call what he did a kiss.

He practically consumed me – marked me so deeply with his possessive touch. The fingers he used to undo me, all the while Valentine held me tightly against him, muttering reinforcing words in my ear.

The disparity between the two boys has me weak. Their approaches and methods with me are so different... but when they work together like they did last night?


I sit up in bed, glancing around the room sleepily. The windows are open, sheer curtains blowing inwards as a breeze passes through the room. I inhale the fresh air, but my breath hitches when I spot the sofa bed opposite me.


I don't know if my breath hitched at his presence, or his mere beauty.

Why were the assholes always the hottest?

Slater's still asleep, clad in a hoodie and sweats as he lounges on the sofa bed lazily. His flawless skin is taut along his sharp cheekbones, his eyes shut and lashes brushing against his cheeks.

But what has me really melting is baby, laying on his bed beside his head. She's awake, Slaters hand draped across her affectionately like they fell asleep together.

I catch myself smiling at the pair softly, before I snap out of it, remembering Slater wants nothing to do with me.

"Baby." I whisper, trying to get the dogs attention. I dragged her here into their home... I really didn't need any harsh words from Slater when he finds out she's shared his bed.

Baby shifts a little, her eyes looking over to me lazily.

"Hey baby, come here." I whisper lowly, patting my lap to try get her to move without waking Slater.

She yawns widely, before resting her head on Slaters chest and closing her eyes again. I make a worried face at her, "Baby." I whine lowly, defeat clear in my voice.

"I really prefer darling." A deep grumble comes from Slaters direction, and I gasp, jumping a little at the sudden sound.

Slater cracks his eyes open narrowly and glances over to me with displeasure on his face.

"I'm sorry – I didn't mean to wake you." I splutter, shifting backwards on the bed instinctively.

Slater grunts, lifting his arms to pet Baby who leans into his touch, practically lying all over him.

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