39. Morning kisses

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I feel eyes on me

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I feel eyes on me.

I squint mine open, the blinding sunlight seeping through the windows of the boys apartment burn my eyes momentarily, but I blink away the bright light and settle my eyes on Slater.

He stares straight down at me from where I'm resting on his chest. His legs have spread to accommodate my lower body between them, and my head moves gently with every inhale and exhale he takes.

I hold his eye contact, though I know we're both stubborn as ever and are waiting for the other to say something first.

I narrow my eyes at him, he was the one staring first so he can speak first.

He narrows his eyes back like he heard exactly what I thought and rolls then when he gives in to my silent demand, "You're persistent, I'll give you that." He grumbles, voice thick with the mornings sleep.

I love the way his deep voice feels through his chest, moving through my whole body and making me want to snuggle impossibly closer to him.

"Good morning to you to." I say back at him, which he smirks at ever so slightly.

"Oh, you didn't like how I woke you up?" He asks me back, a teasing lilt to his tone.

I sit up on him a little, gaining the height advantage as I look down to where his head rests on his pillow, "No, in fact I didn't." I play along with his little game, eager to see where it ends up.

He seems satisfied with that response, shifting under me slightly, "Then show me how you'd like to be woken." He challenges, an ever so slightly heated gleam in hiss dark eyes.

I lick my teeth as I look down on him calculatingly, "Okay." I agree, shifting on top of him slightly so I'm closer to his face, "Take notes." I murmur before kissing him.

I feel him smile against my lips as his hands come up to cup either side of my face.

It may be morning, but it might as well be a steamy evening with the way Slater is kissing me back.

His tongue slips into my mouth seamlessly and he caress my own stroke for stroke.

I shift higher on his body, my legs now falling either side of his waist as I sit up a little to try get the higher ground.

Despite me being on top, I still feel like a bottom. The grip Slater has on my face is controlling, even down to the way he grazes his teeth on my lips are a constant reminder to who's in charge.

I let him have the control, this time. Just to indulge him. But I knew that before long enough I'd have Slater on his knees for me.

It's when I let an embarrassing moan out that I remember we're not alone in the room, and I pull apart from Slater's lips to look over and see a very awake Valentine and River watching from their bed.

Valentine frowns heavily, "Why did leave our bed?" He asks like an angry toddler about to throw a tantrum, "Now Slater gets all the morning kisses." He huffs.

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