62. Paris

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"Paris?" I ask, backing up on the bed a little

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"Paris?" I ask, backing up on the bed a little.

"Mhm," Valentine confirms, grabbing my ankle before I could scooch further up the bed.

Slater was still laying on his back, his dick now tucked away as he has his arm thrown over his eyes for a semblance of peace.

"Go to Paris sweetheart, you'll have fun." He murmurs sleepily, waving his other hand dismissively before falling silent again.

I whip my eyes back to Valentine as he smiles wider, pulling on my ankle to get me closer to him.

I swallow my nerves, letting him drag me closer as the predatory glint in his eye twinkles, become more potent the closer I get.

When I'm in grabbing distance, River steps in to lift me by my waist, depositing me onto the sofa they pulled up to watch Slater and me.

I squeak as I land on my hands and knees, only getting a moment breathing time before my chin is wrenched upwards and I look into River's hungry eyes.

"You're a natural already," He jerks his chin towards the way my back is arching, my bum jutting out to where Valentine is now standing behind me.

I swallow deeply, my chin still pinched in-between River's fingers as I wait for their direction.

I honestly don't know what they want to do with me and why they keep mentioning Paris.

"You're gonna take me in your sweet mouth, yeah?" River tells me, stroking his finger under my chin as I stare up at him, feeling my breathing growing shallower.

I nod as best I can and jump a little as the cool sensation of Valentines ring clad fingers palm my ass.

"And Val?" I ask hesitantly, having a feeling I know where this is going.

Valentine hums at the mention of his name, his fingers still gently stroking me skin, "Traditionally I'd take your pussy... but it seems a shame to waste your ass when I've marked it up so prettily." He muses, my back arching unintentionally a little more at the idea of it.

Valentine chuckles like he knows what I'm thinking and retracts his hands from me, making me pout.

River squeezes my chin to refocus my attention on him whilst Val shuffles around the room, and I look between River's brown and green eyes.

"Take it out." He nods down to his crotch, and I do as he says, sitting up on my knees and reaching into his waistband to find he's not wearing any underwear.

I scrunch my nose at him as I grip the length of his cock, "Dirty." I comment playfully and he grins and winks.

"Of course." He shrugs, hissing when I run a thumb through the slit of his tip and pull it out of his sweats.

"Hands off," He grunts when I take him out completely, and I hesitate before letting go of him, returning back to my hands and knees and Valentine re-joins us behind me.

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