16. Quick off the mark

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To say I had murder on my mind would be a massive fucking understatement

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To say I had murder on my mind would be a massive fucking understatement.

Sitting here with Romani's small form clinging to my body, shaking with fear has me livid.

It's all I can do to not lock her in our room and never let her out – all to satisfy my paranoia about her safety.

I was already on edge when she told me she didn't have a chain lock. Her apartment is dangerous. She's a single woman living alone.

Thank fuck the dog was here.

I'm still sat rocking her in my lap, her breathing evening out at she rests her head on my shoulders.

The dog – baby – is lying beside us, eyes trained on the door as she keeps on high alert.

I pet her head, whispering small praises for keeping Roe safe. I owed that dog my life.

"I'll steal you more food, huh?" I whisper, scratching behind her ears and grinning at her softly, "And maybe some treats, yeah? How's that sound?"

Her resounding whine told me all I needed to know. Romani was a solid weight in my arms now. She'd fallen asleep.

I brush my fingers through her silky blonde hair, burying my nose in it to reassure myself she's safe.

Growing up, I've never had something consistent in my life to look after. As much as I've tried to care for Slater and River, they can take care of themselves.

We were never in a stable enough environment to have pets or other friends. My need and want to look after something has been an uncomfortable itch under my skin my whole life. Growing and growing and growing.

Until we got our first, and last, employee.

She was so small and innocent walking into out bakery, asking for a job. How could I have denied her? The moment she became consistent, coming into our bakery at 1pm every day with that fucking smile.

Looking up at me with her doe eyes when I give her food – looking at me like I've given her the world. It was a power trip that I'm now addicted to.

I want her to want me. I want her to need me. For food, for protection, for comfort.

For pleasure.

She'd be under my jurisdiction. I'd be hers. She'd be my responsibility.

Apparently, that need for caring for something has spiralled. She wasn't just my employee anymore. She had quickly become so much more.

Say what you will about River... but I think I'm just as mentally damaged as he is. I just have a different way of showing it.

Having her asleep and calm in my arms, I didn't want to wake her to take her back to my own bed. So, we'd have to settle here for the night.

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