25. I don't fight fair

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"You?" I choke out a laugh at River's plan to be my 'security' at home

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"You?" I choke out a laugh at River's plan to be my 'security' at home.

River settles me a bored look, "Problem?" He raises a brow and I choke back another laugh.

I shake my head with a barely suppressed smile, "Absolutely not."

He grins, "Good. Then let's go." He says, finally getting off me and pulling me up with him.

He sure likes to manhandle me a lot.

Not that I'm really complaining...

"Wait- what about the others? Slater?" I ask and he just stares back at me, "You seriously think they'll just let us go."

River laughs to himself, shaking his head before taking my hand to pull me along with him, "God it's refreshing to have someone as good as you are round here." He says with a broad smile, and I scrunch my nose at his words.

"I'll have you know I'm a certified drug dealer now." I huff, puffing my chest up at him in an attempt to be more on his level and dispute his 'goody-two-shoes' opinion on me.

He shoots me a lazy grin over his shoulder, "How improper." He gawks at me, obviously mocking my attempt at being less 'good'.

I scowl up at him, letting go of his hand and grabbing Baby's leash instead.

River frowns, looking down at where his hand is now suspended in mid-air where I left it. He then sees the leash in my hand and rolls his eyes.

"Why." He whines, throwing his head back in annoyance.

I clip Baby's leash on her and laugh out loud, turning to face him, "Got a problem with my dog?" I ask him, popping a hip to rest my hand on it.

He slides his dark gaze over to me, seemingly thinking about how to respond in a way that doesn't put him in the doghouse.

He wets his lips with a narrowed gaze, "As long as it doesn't take my place in your bed." He grumbles,

I shake my head at him incredulously and walk over to the front door, grabbing my tote on the way.

River follows me out and flanks my side as we begin the short walk back to my apartment.

There was a spring in my step as we walked, I was excited to get home despite how much I like staying with River and Valentine.

Besides, this will be a more than clear message to Slater; he can shove my leash up his ass.

"So," I speak, River's cold stare flicking to me as we walk, the sunset lighting up his otherwise brown hair, "You're the only one who doesn't fight, what makes you think you'll be the best security?" I smirk, a teasing glint in my voice.

River's expression doesn't change, "Who says I don't fight?" He responds coolly.

"You do?" I ask, slight surprise in my voice, "I didn't think you fought at the club..." I think out loud and River runs his thumb over his bottom lip in what may be an impatient tick.

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