50. The demonstration

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"Oh, come on," River drawls, cocking his head at me, "You were bitching back to me five minutes ago, don't tell me now you're shy

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"Oh, come on," River drawls, cocking his head at me, "You were bitching back to me five minutes ago, don't tell me now you're shy." He mocks.

I narrow my eyes at him, he's trying to rile me up.

I hate that it's working.

I huff and stomp over to him, a satisfied smirk stretching over his lips as he watches me.

Just to be petty, I perch myself right on the edge of the bed, as far away as possible from River and with my back turned to him.

I cross my arms and settle my unimpressed stare on the two remaining boys, "Happy?" I ask, looking between Slater and Valentine.

Valentine is highly amused, leaning back against the counter and just watching my bratiness play out.

Slater on the other hand is less than impressed.

"You sure you want to be a brat today?" He asks, taking a step forward and looking down at me, making me feel small.

Though I don't let him see how he affects me, turning my nose up at him to meet his stare.

"Cause I'm not feeling very patient today." He continues, his voice in a low warning tone.

I scoff, not knowing where I got this sudden burst of confidence, "I thought that was your everyday mood Slater. When are not feeling patient?"

A muscle in his jaw twitches as he bites back an equally cruel retort. His eyes shift over my head, and I realise a second to late where they were going.

Hands grip my waist roughly from behind, and I'm flung backwards like a ragdoll, huffing when I land straight on my back on the mattress, a heavy weight falling over my middle.

I'm pinned down by the weight that is River, straddling my middle as I catch my breath and look up at him through my mess of hair.

He grins widely as I frown, about to lift my hands to sort out my tangle of hair, but he beats me to it.

"You're giving Slater too much attention, it's my turn." He tells me, pushing the hair out of my face with his fingers.

I smile up at him playfully, "And you thought the best way to get my attention is manhandle me until I literally cannot escape your presence?" I ask him sarcastically.

River looks at me and blinks, "Yes." He says, tone completely serious.

I laugh at his answer, my face disbelieving as I hear Valentine snort in the background.

River scrunches his brows in confusion, looking down at me with his piercing eyes, "It worked, didn't it?" He asks, confused to my and Valentine's reactions.

I nod and laugh, reaching up to cup his face endearingly, "It did, you crazy boy."

Slater grumbles something, "He gets to act toxic but when I do it, you give me sass?"

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