42. Eager, aren't you?

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Her big round eyes stare up at me from where I've left her on her knees

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Her big round eyes stare up at me from where I've left her on her knees.

Her mouth is slightly parted in cute frustration and surprise at my request, and it takes all my strength not to shove my cock back into her mouth and finish that way.

Her lips slowly curve into a sinful smile, and I reciprocate it when I hear her next breathy words, "Then what are you waiting for?" She taunts.

I'm still holding her face between my fingers, and I tilt her head impossibly further backwards, so her neck is bared and exposed, "So eager aren't you?" I tease her.

I want to see that pretty blush on her cheeks. I want to humiliate her.

My muscles go taut when it backfires on me. She only keeps smiling at me perfectly composed, "For the money, yes. Don't go getting any ideas that I'm eager for you."

Her words trigger something in my malfunctioning brain, and my hand slips from her face to her bared neck in a matter of seconds.

I grip her tightly, making her wheeze as I try fight the impulsive twitch in my eye and curl of my lips, "By the end of this, that'll fucking change." I say through gritted teeth, her pretty eyes widening as I haul her up by her neck.

She grips onto the table and steadies herself with a gasp as I waste no time in flipping her and bending her over the table.

She's breathing heavily but not stopping anything I'm doing, only waiting in anticipation for my next move.

I lean over to reach one of the drawers, opening it to snatch a condom stashed in there, don't ask, and rip open the foil packaging.

Romani hears the sound and springs into action herself, working her pants and underwear down her thighs and exposing her ass and pussy to me, wet and ready.

It only makes me roll the condom on quicker and reach out to palm her round ass, delighting in the feel of her soft flesh under my rough fingertips.

I lick my teeth, willing myself not to sink them into her.

Romani lets out a frustrated sigh, and wiggles her ass needily, "Hurry already." She half whines and half grunts.

I chuckle at her contradicting behaviour, stroking her ass once more before lining myself up with her, "And you say you're not eager for me..." I drawl.

She whips her head round to glare at me over her shoulder, but that glare quickly turns to a moan when I thrust fully into her.

"River," She practically squeaks, her cheeks tinting to that delicious pink colour I love so much.

"Romani," I offer her back, gripping onto her waist before pulling out halfway and thrusting fully back in, "Fuck." I can't help but curse.

This feels like her throat, but softer and wetter.

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