2~ "just how you liked it"

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

So how do you like Nev already

I love her but haaa

Chill vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a great day or night

And a great read

Byeeee hoes

"So, you will be staying here," I give Damon a blanket, he hums and takes it from me, I let out a small gasp when his long fingers touched the top of my knuckles

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"So, you will be staying here," I give Damon a blanket, he hums and takes it from me, I let out a small gasp when his long fingers touched the top of my knuckles.

When he got the blanket I put a piece of me string blackish brownish hair behind my ear, "I'll be in bed if you need me, Um Nev will be back later tonight, so don't kill my roommate," he snickers with a smirks, "have a Goodnight Damon," I smile up at me, "you to angelo," (angel) when I feel a blush creep up my neck but I turn before Damon could see it.

I clear my throat before walking to my room. Me and Nevaeh have the same room but sometimes she sleeps in the guest room.

I sigh and take off my leather jacket and throw it on my bed, I go to the bathroom and take off my clothes, I hop in the shower when I got the water right. I wash my hair, shaved my legs, stomach, and what needed to be shaved.

I get out and wrap my hair in a towel and wrap my body in the towel and walk out of the shower, when I was getting dressed my door opens, "Jesus Christ!" I cover up myself when I see Damon, a smirk appears on his lip when he sees my naked body. His makes eye contact with me and his eyes drops to the grown, "sorry I knocked, and you did not answer," he turns around looking at the door.

I put my lace underwear on and my oversize surf on, "you can turn around," I cross my arms over my chest, Damon turns around slowly, "what did you want to ask me?" I take my towel off of my head and go over to my grey vanity, I set in my chair and look up at Damon in the mirror, "um, where is the bathroom," he then his lips to where I can see his tiny dimple on his right cheek.

I miss that dimple.   

I lower my eyes down and grab my brush and start brushing my hair, "down at the end of the hall to your left," I bite the inside of my cheek, "thanks," he muttered and walked out of the room. I sigh and close my eyes.

When I got finished my Dutch braids I put on some grey sweatpants and walk out of my room into the living room. I have some plants in the two windows that are behind the couch, the TV is in front of the couch, and I have some flowers on the TV stand. This apartment is nice, and I loved it since I moved in here with Nev.

The walls are greyish white, and the floors are moonlight black. It is comfy here. It is not all big and shiny like the houses I lived or been in my life.

We have a tiny island in the kitchen where we set all of the food at to eat.

I been here for four years, and I love it here, but without the screaming in the streets, but we don't talk about it.

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