54~ Wife?

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Heyyyyyy hoes

Y'all miss me

I home sooo

Anyways I don't know when the next chap is going to be but I will update as soon as I can

I hope you can understand

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you later

Also I have been writing Kats smut and if you want a sneak peek go on my Instagram


Have funnnn

Have a great read.

Also y'all got Damon's pov tdy 😏

I go downstairs with Alaska, and I see Kat at the kitchen table

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I go downstairs with Alaska, and I see Kat at the kitchen table. Alaska goes up to her and whispers in her ear, Kat smiles big, turning around to face Alaska.

I go to make something to eat in the kitchen.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Ace coming downstairs, "want something to eat?" I asked him. He shrugged and went to the fridge. Kat gets up, "he does," she answers for him, I smile at her, "thanks, sweety," she comes over to me and hugs me leg, I run my hairs through her soft light brown hair.

She looks up at me with blueish-greenish eyes.

She reminds me of them so much.

I sigh and finish the food.

I set down the plate full of eggs and toast at the table. Kat sets by Ace as he is at the far end of the table, Alaska sets by me, and we are at the front of the table.

Alaska leans her head on my shoulder, I look down at her, "when are you leaving?" she asked I take a bite of my egg, I shrugged, "around 4 maybe," I mutter. She sighs, I see her brown eyes filled with sadness.

I kiss the side of her head, "I'll be back ok, I told you that," I held her hand under the table, she smiles at me and kisses me, I kissed her back softly.

"Ew." Kat's voice broke us. Alaska rolls her eyes, I see a tiny smile of Ace's face, but it quickly falls as he sees me looking at him.

I smile at Kat as I see a wired look on her face, "Kat go get ready to go to school," I say. She groans, "I don't want to go," she huffs, crossing her arms, "well you got to," I say firmly. She rolls her eyes.

"Come on I'll help you," Alaska says getting out of the kitchen table to Kat. She smiles and holds on to Alaska's hand. They go up the stairs to her room.

Ace gets up and so do I. I get all of the plates and put them in the sink, "have fun in Germany," Ace says making my head snap to him.

I didn't tell anyone that I was going except for Alaska.

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