43~ Right hand man

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a good read

Also I'm ending this book in the 70s or 80 I'm not too sure

And who is ready for Sebys and Katherine's book cause ik I am


"Damon get your hand off of my ass," I smack his hand off of my ass

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"Damon get your hand off of my ass," I smack his hand off of my ass. He chuckles and bury his face in my tits, I sigh, rolling my eyes, "aren't you supposed to be at work," I lift his chin, he has a tiny smile on his face, those light grey eyes go through me.

He groans darkly, making me shiver, he runs his fingers p and down my arm, I hiver when his rings make contact with my skin, "yes, but I rather spend time with you," he lays a soft kiss on my cheek, I smile with a blush.

Damon smiles, showing his dimples when he sees my blush on my cheeks, "your so cute when I make you blush," he whispers. Damon's bare chest meets with my bare chest making a gasp come out of my mouth.

Last night after me and Damon fucked, he put me into the bed, and I feel straight to bed. I think about three hours after that he came to bed.

Damon glanced at the clock and looked back at me, and let out a sigh, "I better get to work, Angelo," he kissed the top of my head and went to the bathroom where I hear the water being turned on.

I sigh and turn over on my side and went back to bed.


I woke up to Damon shutting the door.

Loud bitch.

I groan, stretching, before getting up.

I go to the closet and get a pair of baggy pants and a big shirt. I go to the bathroom and turn on the water to take a shower. I hope in the shower and wash my body and then shave.

When I got done with my shower I get out and wash my face, then brush my teeth, I put my wet hair into two double French braids. When I got dressed, I go to my desk and get on my computer.

When there is nothing to do, I get on my computer and try to find my parents.

When I found nothing in Germany, I tried to sure for anywhere else they could have gone, I think. I have searched to Russia to fucking Hawaii. And I have come up with nothing.

I know my dad is Russian and my mom is German, so I first searched Germany and I found nothing, and I know for sure that my dad is not in Russia because I been there my whole life and I did not see them/

I also know what my mom and dad look like.

My mom has long brown hair, it is wavy, she has dark hazel eyes, and plump lips, she has a body of a fucking model. She is very pretty. My dad is also good looking, he as dark black wavy hair, and brown eyes, he and him share the same nose, that has a lump in the nose.

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