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I hate having insomnia

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I hate having insomnia.

Like really bad.

I groan and look up at the celling, I tried many things to go to sleep and I can't. I also take meds for that to, but sometimes it does not work.

I get up from my bed and tiptoe to the door making sure I did not wake Nev up. Nev has always been a heavy sleeper, but there are times where she will wake up to the smallest things.

I slowly open the door and close it, I don't know if Damon is awake or not.

I walk slowly to a chair next to the couch and grab the remote, "your awake," Damon's voice make me jump, "shit, you scared me," I place my hand over my chest, "sorry," he leans up revealing his juicy abs, my mouth waters at the sight.

I want to lick.

"What are you doing up angelo?" He moves his blanket off of his body, he is wearing some gray sweatpants, "I have insomnia," I whisper. I did not get diagnosed with it when I was with him it was after, "when did you get diagnosed with it?" he asked concerned laced in his voice, "a month after I moved here," I could not fall asleep at all for the past three months till they gave me meds.

He nods, "come here," he scoots over to make room, I smile and go set on the couch, there was a lot of space between us, "want to watch a movie?" He grabs the remote, "sure," I grin, he turns on a movie, "really scream?" I give him a dumb look, "what it is a good movie," he chuckles, I shrugged.

I can't disagree with that.

He gives me a blanket and covers up my bare legs, "thanks," I whisper, he nods.

We start to watch the move and in between the move I find myself on his chest, he runs his long finger through my soft dark brown hair, I sigh and close my eyes, I slowly fall asleep.


I wake up the next morning in my bed, I remember what happen this morning, I fell asleep on his chest, with his finger going through my hair, and that is the last thing I remember.

I remove the covers from my body and see that Nev is not in her bed, she told me that she was going to Leons then work after. I don't have to work today so that's good.

I hate fucking working. It is the pain in the ass.

I go and change into some clothes and brush my teeth. After I was done, I put my hair up into a small bun.

I go out into the living room and see Damon on the phone, I go to the fridge and get me the milk, I pour the cereal in first then the milk. I still think that if you pour your milk in first you are a fucking psychopath.

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