42~ Office

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I'm helping Anya going back to her parents to Jamaica

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I'm helping Anya going back to her parents to Jamaica.

I set down a suitcase "is this all you need?" I cross my arms around my chest, "yes," she hums. She smiles at me, "thank you for helping," she gives me a hug, I smile and hug her back, "your welcome," we pull away and she grabs her suitcase.

When we walk out of her room, we walk down the stairs, "you sure you don't want one of Damon's men to take you there?" I bit my bottom lip, she nods, smiling showing her dimple on her right cheek, "yes, Alaska, thank you," she grabs a hold of my hand, "it was nice meeting you. And thank you for saving me," she kisses the top of my hand.

I'm going to pass out.

I feel heat go to my cheeks, "yeah, no problem," I look down at my feet. She chuckles and let's go of my hand. She opens the door and walks out, "come and visit me soon," I holler, she gives me a thumbs up.

I shut the door and I let out a sigh, I go to Damon's office and see him at his desk, talking to his men. Damon gazed over at me, "out," he ordered them. They all walked out, and I shut the door. Damon sets back down in his chair, I go over to him a set on his lap, he put his hands on my ass.

"You find out where he's at?" Ever since Ryder told us where the leader of the Irish mafia is, Damon and Ares and their men have been looking for them, but we have not found them, first we went back to America and went to Newyork and went to the warehouse that Ryder told us about and we did not see him there.

We think he moved because he knew that Ryder was caught and he knew that we would get the answer out of him sooner or later, so he moved to a different place.

Damon tilts his head, "what are you thinking?" He traced his fingertips across my jawline, I lick my lips, "where the hell Adam is at," Adam is the name of the leader of the Irish mafia.

Damon sighs and pulls me closer to his chest, "he's a hard one to find, but we will get him, Angelo," he kissed my neck softly, I sigh, his large, tattooed hand goes to the top of my throat. "I love you," he breathes on my neck, sucking my skin.

My eyes flutter shut, "I love you too," I breath, Damon nips my skin, making me moan. Damon chuckles, and tils my head up more. I feel his thick erosion under my covered pussy, "are you still sore?" He rasped, I hum, nodding my head.

Good thing I locked the door...

Damon stopped kissing my neck, "get on the desk," he mumbled darkly. With shaky legs I go to the desk. Damon removes his suit but leaves his pants on, "are you ok, Angelo?" He ran his hand up my thigh, "yes," I lift my eyes up meeting his.

I see lust in his grey eyes, "I'm going to fuck you, but not hard, I don't want to hurt you," his fingers gaze across my jeans, my breath hitches, I feel wetness pool in my underwear, "fuck," Damon groans as he dipped his hand in my pants, feeling me wet.

My head tilts to the celling, letting out a low moan, gripping Damon's arm, "please, Damon," I whisper, Damon moves my underwear to the side and pulls on my clit ring, I moan rolling my hips.

Damon goes to my neck, "fuck, baby," he runs his fingers up and down my slit. Teasing me. I bit my lip trying to stop the noise from coming out. Damon thumb goes on my lip, "I want to hear you, Angelo," he kissed me, I groan, kissing him back.

I grab a hold of his face, "I want to hear you too," I reach down to his belt, undoing it. I throw the belt to the ground and pull down his pants, I grab a hold of his cock, I can't wrap my whole hand around it.

"Oh fuck," he moans, I chuckle, but them moan when he thrust two fingers in me, I choke of my breath laying my face on his chest, "fuck, this pussy feels so good," he rasped in my ear, a moan came out of my mouth as he thrust his fingers in and out of me.

A few minutes in and I already feel closer to my orgasm. I moan every time Ihe fuck me with his fingers. Damon grunts every time I pump him up and down. "Fuck Damon, I need," I trail off with a moan, "what is that you need, Alaska?" He kissed me. "I need you cum," I bit his shoulder.

Damon whispers something in Italian but I did not hear it, "cum, Angelo," he demanded. "I let out a cry when I came, "fuck, fuck, fuck," I chant, rocking my hips. "There you go," he runs his fingers through my hair. When I came down, I pant in his chest, "good girl," he kissed my forehead.

But I still pump him up and down, he groans, "I got to be inside you," he ripped my jeans making my body shake, and he ripped my underwear in two.

He did not waist a second before pushes in me all the way, I cried out, with a broken scream. My pussy was already sore from three nights ago, so this hurt. Damon grunts, "fuck, you're so tight," he says gravely.

Tears left my eyes going down my cheek, "I didn't mean to hurt you," Damon stops moving in me, I move off of his shoulder, "you didn't hurt me, my love. I like this," I rock my hips. "Good," Damon kissed me, I kiss him back, he moves in and out of me slowly.

I moan in his mouth; I clench around him making him hiss in my mouth. My stomach clenches "I need to cum, Damon," I groan, Damon moans wrapping his hand around my throat, "hold on, I'm almost there," he reached down and rubbed my clit.

Moans slid past my lips, "oh my God," I cried, trying to hold my orgasm in, "fuck, cum," Damon grits through my teeth. I cried out as I came.

I pant, and whimper as he pulls out of me, "get on your knees," he ordered. With shaky and sore legs, I get on my knees, Damon holds my hair and thrust his cock in my mouth, I choke and open my mouth as wide as I can, but I can fit him all the way in.

Damon tilts his head up to the celling and lets out a dark moan when he came.

When we were done, he cleaned me up and I want back to bed.

Word count: 1252

Heyyyyy hoes

How was the read

I promise I will make the next chapter longer

Vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a great day or night


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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