58~ Sex Addition

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how was your day or night

Umm sad chapter ig

It not really sad but it is smt

Anyways have a great read and don't be a quiet reader


I wake up to Alaska on top of me

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I wake up to Alaska on top of me. I run my hands through her soft brown hair.

I woke up about 20 minutes ago and I found Alaska on top of me me so I left her there, not touching her. I'll will wait till she wakes up.

After about another 30 minutes I feel Alaska move around on top of me. She groans quietly and buries her face in my uncovered chest. I put my hand into her hair, "good morning, Angelo." I kiss the top of her head. She groans and stuffs up. "You ok?" I ask, lifting her head up with my finger.

She puts her mouth over her mouth and rips off the covers and rubs to the bathroom. "merda," (shit) I whisper under my breath. I run to her and see her throwing up in the toilet.

I go to get and out her hair up in a ponytail to make sure that none of it is in her hair.

When she was done take toilet paper and clean her mouth. I set her in the toilet. "You ok, Angelo?" I run my hand to the side of her neck. She hums, her eyelids falling shut. "I have an ass of a headache," I smile with a chuckle. "Let me get you done medicine," I say as I go to the cabinet.

I grab some ibuprofen and get a glass of water downstairs. I go back to our room and go to the bathroom where she is still on the toilet. "Here, Angelo," I put my thumb on her bottom lip and open her mouth. "Take it," I say in here ear. I feel her shutter underneath my touch.

I roll my eyes. Alaska has always been a sex addict. When we first met she always teased me and I had to jerk off, and she always knew. She was the one that wanted sex. I knew her past and I know it was a trauma response.

"No," I say. Knowing what was going in her head. She groans, "I got to take a shower," she says. I nod and start to walk away, "come in with me," she grabbed my hand, pulling me back to her.

I smile my other hand goes to the side of her head. I lean down and I see a smile on her face, know she going to get what she wants.

But I grab a handful of her hair, she groans, I lean down into her ear, "like I said, no." She whimpers as I pull her hair more. "Now get your ass in the shower. And stop acting like a slut," I said harshly.

When I let go of her hair she glared at me. I walk out of the bathroom and I hear her turn on the shower.

I go to my closet and take off my sweatpants and get into my work clothes.

I know that I shouldn't have been that mean to her but it is the only way to get in her head. She has always been hard headed and a lot can't hurt her.

She just mad that I won't fuck her. And she knows I won't.

We have sex almost everyday. Or I finger fuck her.

And I do love fucking her but she is addicted to it and I need to break her from it.

She would have sex dreams every night if we did not touch each other. So she moved rooms. I told her to tell Bella, but she was embarrassed because she did not want to tell her best friend that she is a sex addict from her past of sa and rape.

I helped her with the dreams but I can't help her with the addiction. I really with I could. I really do. I can feel her want it every day and I know that she does not mean it. 

My head snaps to the door when she comes out with a towel wrapped around her body.

I see sadness flood her eyes as she sees me. My eyes soften. "I'm sorry, my love," she comes over to me. "It's fine," I kiss the top of her head. "I know how hard it can be for you," I run my hand up and down her back. She smiles. "Thanks for pushing me away." Alaska hums.

I kiss her cheek. "Don't cry," I whisper with a hard voice, when I see tears flood her eyes. "I-I," her breathing started to pick up.


My eyes widen knowing she going into a panic attack. She's having flashbacks of Ivan and I know she is from the look of her face.

"I can't breathe, D-Damon." She drops the towel, but I don't care about that at the moment. "Shh," I cup her face. "Your ok Alaska, your with me, not him," I try to calm her down. But she looks like she is in a different place. Her eyes are going all over the place. Her breathing is all over the place. Her nails are scratching her arm and legs.

My hands grab hers and put them behind her back. Her eyes snap at mine. I smile as I see sparkles back in her eyes. "Come on," I pick her up, her legs wrap around my waist.

I don't seem to care about that she is naked.

I set her down on the bed. "I'm here, Angelo," I kiss her lips. She kissed me back. I smile, "you ok?" She nods slowly. "Yes," Alaska looks down in disappointment in herself. "Hey," I tip her head with my fingers. Her brown eyes looks in my grey ones.

Her bottom lip starts to quiver. I sigh. "Look at me Alaska." I said more harshly. "I-I don't know why that h-happened." She stutters. "It's fine," I said firmly. She catches her breath. With nods telling herself it's fine. "Look why don't you stay in bed for today," I get her off of the me and put her down into bed.

Alaska bites her bottom lip. And I know she's about to argue with me, "no," I press my lips on hers to keep her quiet. She chuckles tugging on my suit, keeping ne close to her. I moan in her mouth. She sighs, forcing me away from her. "Go work." Alaska kisses the top of my hand.

I smirk. "Ok," I kiss the top of her head. I cover her naked body up with our bedsheets. "Bye, Angelo," I shut the door behind me.

Word count: 1172

Heyyyy hoes

How was the read

This is the last long chapter for a min so give me come credit yall m

Anyways have a great day or night and I'll see you later


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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