31~ Tense

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

I'm sorry this chap is short af but I'm having bad ass writers block

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

If you are ver see a post on TikTok about my books let my know and tag me

But I doubt it will happen


I'm setting on the couch with the dog Bella and Jade

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I'm setting on the couch with the dog Bella and Jade. Bella is on my lap and Jade head is on my stomach.

I been doing nothing this past week, Damon and Ares sent a man to Ireland about a week ago, and we have not heard from him since.

I'm thinking he is dead.

Bella lifts up her head when Damon comes into view, I smile at him, "Jade move," his deep voice demand, Jade just shakes her tail and does not move from my lap, I chuckle when Damon's jaw clenches, "now," he said sharply, Jade whine and gets off of the couch.

Damon smiles and sets by me, "you didn't have to be mean," I scold him, he nods "yes I did, she is hardheaded," he mumbled, I nod agreeing with him, "true," I sigh, laying my head on his shoulder.

Damon's hand went on my stomach, "you hungry?" He whispered, I shake my head, "no I just ate," I tell him, he hums.

Then he lifts me up into his lap, he smirks at me, I lend sown and kiss him, he kissed me back slowly, his hands go to my ass, as mine go to the side of his side. I bit his bottom lip; I sigh into his mouth.

"Break it up," I look up and see Ace, I flip him off, "go to your room," I breath, still kissing Damon. He let out a little sigh and goes back up to his room. Damon broke the kiss by chuckling breathlessly.

I flutter my eyes and stare right into Damon's now dark grey ones, "we better stop," Damon mutters, looking down I sigh, "yea, we should," I agree. I roll off of Damon, "you heard about the new leader of the American Mafia?" Damon asked, I nod, licking my lips, "yes, I heard she's nice," I speak, Damon licks the inside of his jaw, "well, that's new," he says slowly.

I laugh, "tell me about it," I mumble, before getting up and going to the kitchen and grab an orange juice.

Better than apple.

Damon follows me and grabs a beer, "where is Ares and Bella, I have not seen them all morning?" My eyebrows pull together, Damon points to their bedroom, "still sleeping," my mouth opens, and I look over at the clock and see it is almost 11 in the morning.

I take a drink of my juice, I smile at the taste at it, "apple juice is better," Seby dark voice almost made me jump out of my chair. I glare at him, "no it's not," he rolls his eyes, "it is too," he argues, I give him the middle finger, and he gives me one too.

"Ass," I stick my tongue out at him, "nah, I like tits better," my mouth drops open in shook. "Same," I sigh, Damon snickers behind me, and wraps his arms around me, "you guys are going to make my throw up," Seby fake gags, "shut it, Hermandez," I snap at him before tilting my head back and giving Damon a kiss.

"Where is Ares? I got to talk to him," Seby wondered, "bedroom," I say shortly before kissing Damon again, "yea, I'm not going up there again after I walked on Bella giving him a head job," I broke out into a loud laugh, "shit, really?" He nods, "I would be traumatized as fuck," a tear goes down my cheeks at how hard I'm laughing, "no kidding, it hurts me in my nightmares," Seby scoffs.

I get off of the stool, "I'll wake them up," I inform, and go up the stairs, I open the door and see Ares and Bella still asleep, I let out a sigh, I go over at Ares, "manwhore wake up," I shake him, but he does not move or get up, I shake him more then he moves.

Fucking finally.

He opens his eyes and sees me, "Sebastian wants you," I tell him, Ares runs his hands up and down his face, "kay," I walk back out of there room and go back down to the kitchen, "he's coming," that's what she said.

I see Kat come in the room, "good morning, love," I look down at her, she gives me a glare and goes back to her room, "just like Bella," I mutter. Damon takes my hand, "let's get out of here," he whispers in my ear, I smile up at him, "ok," I say happily.

We go to Damon's mustang and starts driving down the road, "where are we going?" I look put the window, "too the waterfall," he grabs my hand and kissed it, butterflies go all around me, and I blush.

After about almost twenty we are at the waterfall, "we should come here more," I close the door. We go to the top of the hill and see the most perfect view of the waterfall, "why did you take me here?' I know he did not take me here just to look at the waterfall.

He shrugged, "no reason, just wanted to," I set down on the grown, "oh," I whispers. Damon sets down beside me.

Then he sighs, "we are going to Ireland," he revels, I turn my head my eyebrows fly up, "why?" I ask, "the guy that we sent, his plane got shot down," Damon said, my mouth drops open, "do you know who it was?" He shakes his head, "no, but I think it is the Irish Mafia. Me and Ares think that they know we are on them, so we have to move quick," I bit my lips.

"I'm going," I decide, "ok, whatever you want," he kissed my forehead, I lean my forehead on his chest, "how are we going to do it?" I ask, still on his chest, "we are thinking about taking the plane, I know a guy there so he will help, then we will take a car to a hotel till we find out how to get in without getting caught and how to kill them," Damon sighs.

I lift my head up and look at him, "everything is going to be alright," I can feel how tense his body is. He licks his lips, "I hope," he kissed me.

Me and you both.

Word count: 1145

Heyyy hoes

How was this chap

School is comping up every soon this month soo

I will be late for posting bc I don't get out school till past 3

And I probably won't post every day but I will try

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow have a great day or night


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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