66~ For Bella and Ares

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

Hope I made it better if it was bad

My whole family is sick rn but luckily I'm not

Thank God 😭

Anyways vote and comment and I'll post the chapter tmr or something

Remember I'll be back to my regular posting routine when school is over which is in sep or oct I don't remember they changed it

Anyways love y'all

And thank you all for close to 4000 thousand reads on TUL and over 2000 thousand reads on RAFL

Really I'm happy

Byeeeee hoes

I have been in bed since yesterday

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I have been in bed since yesterday.

Damon went to work this morning, and he should be back anytime. Kat has been in her room since Ace was kicked out. I begged Damon to get Ace back, but Damon won't listen to me. He cold to him.

I sigh rolling over my side, closing my eyes.

I must have fell asleep because I woke up to Damon shutting the bathroom room door. I sigh rubbing my eyes, setting up, Damon looks up at me, "hey, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up," he came over and placed a kiss on my forehead. "It's fine," I look at the clock and seen it was one in the afternoon. "I need to get up anyways."

I remove the covers and get on my feet.

I gasp when pain went up my legs, "Arschloch," (motherfucker) I cursed in German. Damon chuckled, I glare at him, but his back was turned at me. "Lachen Sie wieder. Ich wage es dir," (Laugh again. I dare you) I snipped.

"Sorry, my Angelo," he turned with a worried look on his face. "What I thought," I muttered, walking into the bathroom. I took off my shirt and pants, "so, are we going to visit Adam today?" Damon glanced at me. I shrugged, "sure," we have been starving him for a whole week before we do anything.

We only give him a cup of water every day.

I turn on the water, "want to join?" I turn my head over my shoulder. He looked up and down my naked body, and smirked, "is that even a question?" He walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

As I got into the hot shower he took his suit off and opened the shower door, I turned my back towards him.

I close my eyes when he pressed up against me. I feel every part of him.

Damon gabbed my waist, pulling me up, he grabbed my chin turning my head towards him. my breath was caught in my throat, my mouth parts, my eyes look up at him.

My head barly went past his shoulder so he was looking down at me.

As he was leanign down i pressed my fingers to his lips, "no," he opened his eyes, his face turned confused. "Why? Do you not want to?" He moved his hands off of my waist. I shake my head, "no, trust me I do," he smiled and put his hands back on my waist.

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