14~ flashbacks

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Heyyy hoes

I am sorry for this chap

I blame it on my boredom

And sad music

I also might make this a sad ending 😭💀

I'm going to break y'all's hearts

Vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow.


TW: blood, rape, sa, panic attack



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A hand smacks me in the face, my body falls to the floor, "please stop," I sob, Ryder grabs me by hair, I wince as he pulls me up to his face, "you're a fucking slut you know that," I knew that was not a question.

I'm a slut.

He drops me on the floor as hard as he can, I shut my eyes crying softly, he flips me over and unbuttons my pants. Fear took over my body. "No, please don't do this," I try to get away from him, but he grabbed me by my throat cutting of my air, I choke, "it will be over if you stop moving," I sob out, "don't do this again," I can't go through this again.

My body burns trying to fight him from taking off my clothes.

But my clothes are already gone.

I cry for him to stop but he never did.

I was all alone, no one was in the house, but I still yell out for help. He ended up banging my head on the hard floor nocking me out.

But I can still feel what he did to me.

Fear ran through my body. I was helpless, I was always helpless with him.

I couldn't fight, scream, get help, I could do nothing except let him do what he wanted to do with me.

(End of flashback)   

I feel my body being shook awake, I gasp awake.

I come face to face with Damon, "shit, angelo, I couldn't wake you up," my eyes are teary, "h-he was here," I gasp looking around, "no he not, no one's here," Damon put's my face in his neck, I smell his leather and his rich cologne.

I sob, he runs his big hand up and down my back, "i's ok angelo, your same," he breathes in my ear, "I'm scared," I ament, "I know, but your safe with me," he kissed the side of my head, "can I sleep with you?" I ask, I pull my head out of his neck waiting on his answer, "sure," we stand up, I get out of the couch and go to his room. When I get in his bed, he just looks at me, "I'll be sleeping downstairs," he starts to walk away but I stop, "stay with me," I pull him into the bed.

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