56~ Out

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Heyyyyyyyy hoes

How are you doing tdy

Sooo I was going to make a sad ending my my bestie Izzy/Al changed my mind sooo give her a thank you

Now bitch 🤨 she deserves it. I WILL throw hands 🙌🏼

Anyways ily Al if you see this

And I know you do 🤨

Anyways vote and comment and I'll see you in the next chap

Have a great read and never be a quiet reader


I feel soft kisses lay on my neck

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I feel soft kisses lay on my neck. I smile, my eyes flutter open, and I see Damon, he smiled down at me, I see his dimple appear on his cheeks. "Hi, Angelo," he kissed my lips.

When he moves, I hiss, he stills and looks at me with worry in his grey eyes. "I'm sore," I bit my lip, my eyes fully close. He hums, and bends down to my face, "sorry, but that's your fault," he chuckled. I roll my eyes.

I push him off of me. He huffs when his back hits the bed. He put his hands behind his head as he watched me struggle getting out of bed. I roll my eyes and I get out of bed with shaky legs. I feel my core pluses with pain.

I sigh as I limp to the bathroom. Damon gets out of bed and comes into the bathroom as I start to brush my teeth.

He comes up behind me and wraps his big and long arms around me, pulling me close to his naked chest. He looks up and down my naked body, and I see his face go into an awe.

I feel my heart flutter and butterflies swarm in my belly. "Did you wake up Kat?" I say as I finish done with my teeth. "No, Ace woke her up," that is not surprising at all. Ace used to wake up even when Bella and Ares were here.

Ace took care of Kat when her parents were busy.

I smile, "good," he smiles back at me.

He goes to the shower and turns it on, I gasp when he picks me up and goes into the hot shower. "Damon," I scold, as hot droplets cover my skin. He chuckles, kissing my cheek. "I love you too, Angelo," I smile. "I love you too, Mein Liebling." (My love)


After a good hour-long shower, we finally get out of the shower.

When I was done putting on my clothes, I braid my hair and when I was done so was Damon. "So, who is the "Knox" guy you were going to tell me about?" I say as I wal- well very much limp down the stairs.

Damon held my hand, "he is the German leader, he is the one that kind of warned me that something was going to happen," Damon explained. I hum nodding. When we got to the living room, I see him setting on the couch on his phone.

Running Away From Love || 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝Where stories live. Discover now